How To
How to Look Your Best Every Day (for Girls)
Looking your best every day includes everything from good hygiene to clothing choices and how you take care of yourself. It takes effort to achieve your best appearance, but it’s easy to do and maintain once you are in the habit of it. Start by perfecting...
How to Be a Good Person After a Break Up
Just about everyone will go through a painful breakup at some point. You're not alone in feeling bitter and resentful. However, taking the high road and trying to be a good person in spite of your pain can help you grow as an individual. Work on avoiding...
How to Add Scent to a Candle
There are many reasons to burn scented candles. Some choose to do so to eliminate or hide foul orders in the house or to create a more festive and welcoming atmosphere. Others use them for their aromatherapy benefits which help the mind, body, and spirit...
How to Increase Your Situational Awareness
Increasing your situational awareness can give you an opportunity to escape or mitigate the danger presented by people or scenarios that could cause harm to you or those around you. Having increased situational awareness does not mean looking for trouble...
How to Identify Stinging Nettle
Hundreds of species of plants that are commonly called "nettles" exist in the world, many which are named because of the similarity to a common weed known as Stinging Nettle or Common Nettle (Urtica dioica) by leaf shape, growth habit, or stinging ability...
How to Clean Fiberglass Bathroom Surfaces
You might be a little lost when it comes to properly cleaning your fiberglass shower or tub, but you certainly aren’t alone. Wear and tear create stains and scratches on your bathroom surfaces, and usually they’re pretty easy to tackle. Fiberglass surface...
How to Remove Spray Paint from Clothes
It is very easy to slip up when using spray paint. Acrylic spray paint is notorious for getting all over the place when it's used improperly. Like any kind of paint stain, time is of the essence when it comes to cleaning it. While there is no promise you'...
How to Play Rock'n'roll Guitar in 3 Simple Steps
So you saved up your birthday money and bought an electric guitar, amp and cords. You're on your way to becoming a Guitar God! But what now? This short article explains the three simple things you need in order to play guitar. Knowing these three things w...
How to Know if Your Boyfriend Is Abusive
Sometimes, it can be hard to tell the difference between when someone you love is having a bad day and when they are being abusive. 57% of college students say they aren't sure how to identify relationship abuse. Abuse can come in many forms, and is more...
How to Identify a Redwood Tree
Redwoods are magnificent trees only found in a few areas of the world. Two species are located in the Western region of the United States, while a third is found in parts of Asia. To identify a redwood tree, the size of the tree is usually the first indic...
How to Get Rid of Deer
Bambi isn't so cute when he's munching on the plants in your garden. Deer are notorious for damaging trees, shrubs, and other plants, and they especially love the well-fertilized and lush growth of gardens and landscaping beds in most developed areas. By...
How to Make a Shy Person Talk
Just as some people are naturally gregarious and outgoing, others are naturally shy and reserved. While it can be more difficult to engage with someone who is shy, there are some easy things you can do to get them to talk. By approaching the other perso...
How to Make a Model Pyramid
Building a model pyramid is quite easy if you have the right materials and know how to carefully measure, cut, and glue. You can make a simple pyramid out of cardboard or paper. To do this, carefully measure and cut each face of your pyramid and attach th...
How to Handle Awkward Friend Requests on Facebook
When Facebook turns into Stalk book, what's a Facebook devotee to do? Are those friend requests worth accepting or is it a smarter idea to sidestep the unknown, the indefinable, and the downright weird requests in favor of a tight group of true Facebook p...
How to Identify Hickory Trees
Hickory - belonging to a section of the walnut family - is a canopy tree that is prevalent in eastern North America, although other species of hickory have been known to exist in Europe, Africa and Asia. The hickory tree produces a dense, strong, and shoc...
How to Create Stairs in SketchUp
To make stairs, you will need to have a platform to come down from. This article will show you how to make some stairs for your creation.