How To
How to Wash Your Hair Using Only Natural Ingredients
You're thinking you could never do without shampoo, that your hair would be a big oily mess — but it's quite the opposite. It's a supply and demand relationship, much like nursing a baby. The more your baby wants to nurse, the more milk your body produces...
How to Make a Bouquet
A bouquet of flowers can be just the thing to show someone you care, to say "I love you," or to commemorate a joyous occasion. Going to the extra effort to assemble the bouquet yourself can also save you money while allowing you to personalize the gift. W...
How to Sharpen Chisels
As the saying goes, a sharp blade is safer than a dull one. It's as true for a chisel as any other tool, so it's important to give your chisels a clean, sharp edge one or two times per year, depending on how often you use them. See Step 1 to get started.
How to Import a Car from Japan to USA
Japanese cars are built well and look great, and if you’ve lived in Japan you may want to keep your car to drive in America, or you may be an American wanting to buy a car directly from Japan. Learn the steps necessary to importing a car from Japan so it’...
How to Get a Smog Check (CA)
In the United States, both federal and state governments have tightened automobile emissions standards because of increasing smog and air pollution. California, for instance, has its longstanding and rigorous “smog check” program for most vehicles. If you...
How to Remove a Skin Tag from Your Neck At Home
Skin tags are growths of skin that hang from a thin piece of tissue. Usually found in areas where your skin rubs against itself, such as your underarms, your eyelids, and your neck, these growths are completely harmless. Even so, you might be bothered or...
How to Cure Bruxism
Most people grind or clench their teeth from time to time. A person with bruxism, which is Latin for the grinding of teeth, may consistently clench their teeth together during the day, or clench or grind them at night. Severe bruxism can lead to jaw disor...
How to Stop Letting Ignorant People Bother You
At some point, you will encounter someone who chooses to ignore the facts or refuses to seek them out. You may find this person’s ignorance frustrating. If the behavior is habitual and you spend a lot of time around them, it can be especially difficult to...
How to Emancipate Yourself as a Teen: Requirements & Legal Process
If you’re under 18 and already living apart from your parents (or want to live separately from them), you might be considering emancipation. This process gives you the legal right to care for and advocate for yourself without your parents’ permission so y...
How to Lose Butt Fat: Expert Advice
Worried you're carrying too much weight in your posterior? Targeting the weight in your butt is a common fitness goal for a lot of us. Fortunately, that means there are a lot of exercise and diet tips you can use to slim down, especially in your glutes. K...
How to Know if Your Boyfriend Is Being Disrespectful to You
You have a right to be respected in a relationship. If you feel like something isn't quite right regarding how your boyfriend treats you, evaluate your relationship. Think about how you feel. Do you feel trapped or controlled? From there, think about how...
How to Make a Cat and Dog Get Along
Thinking of getting a dog but afraid your cat won't like it? Have a cat and a dog but the two just won't stop fighting? While many cats and dogs don't get along right off the bat, there are ways to help them adjust to living with each other. By taking you...
How to See if You Are on ChexSystems List
If you've ever had financial troubles, there's a chance you could be on the ChexSystems list. ChexSystems actively holds credit data on over 300 million consumers in the US and provides that data to approximately 80% of the banks across the country.[1] X...
How to Hold a Leopard Gecko
A leopard gecko is a very special pet. It is one of the few reptiles that enjoys being handled, but only if you do it right. If you mishandle your gecko, you could end up with a cranky or even vicious pet.
How to Be a Sporty Girl
Sporty girls are healthy, active, and low-maintenance. They eat healthy foods, drink lots of water, and get plenty of sleep. Pick up a sport you like, and try out for a team. To get a sporty look, wear jerseys, T-shirts, crew necks, leggings, and athletic...
How to Make a Bow
Looking to add a little something special to a present, bag, or skirt? Bows can make the perfect embellishment to almost any project. Most bows can be easily made using almost any type of ribbon. But, use wire-edged ribbon if you're looking for an elabora...