How To
How to Care for a Leopard Gecko
Leopard geckos are hands down one of the coolest (and cutest) reptiles you can keep as a pet. If you've just brought one home, you're probably wondering how exactly to take care of it. We've got you covered! This article will walk you through everything y...
How to Easily Remove a Shirt
Taking off a shirt may seem easy, and most people do it daily without much thought. However, if you wear very tight Ts, tank tops, button downs or compression shirts, they may be deceptively difficult to take off. The methods you choose to remove your shi...
How to Know if You're Ready to Wear a Panty Liner
Panty liners are thin pads that absorb small amounts of menstrual blood and fluid. Some people choose to wear panty liners leading up to an oncoming period, during their period as extra protection when they use a tampon or menstrual cup, or in the last fe...
How to Make Money (for Kids)
You don’t have to be an adult to start making money. In fact, you don’t even have to be a teenager! No matter how old you are, even if you’re a kid, there are ways to bank a few extra bucks. There are the traditional jobs like babysitting, shoveling snow,...
How to Use Contractions
In common speech, we use contractions all the time. “Don’t run in the hallways,” “I can’t get this bottle open,” “She won’t stop texting during the show.” Many grammar experts argue for the use of contractions in writing, especially in a casual email, a l...
How to Do a Back Extension
Back extensions, also referred to as backward rolls into an extension, are very common in many gymnastics routines. It looks simple, but it is a pretty difficult position to do well. You need to have three basic skills in order to complete the position:...
How to Play Go Fish
Go Fish is a super fun game you can play with your friends, and it doesn’t take long to learn the rules! Play with 2 to 6 people, and focus on getting 4-of-a-kind matches so you can be the first one to lay down all your cards. There are some cool ways to...
How to Deal With Your Friend Who Is Being Jealous of Your Other Friends
It’s natural to have a number of friends in your life. If your friends all get along well, that's great. But sometimes friends don’t get along, which can be difficult if you feel stuck in the middle. When one friend becomes jealous of your other friends,...
How to Bowl an Easy Bowling Strike in Wii Sports
Is it your absolute dream to get 12 Strikes in a row on Wii Sports Bowling? It may sound difficult, but it has been done. This article will show you how to get an easy strike. A strike is not guaranteed, but it's worth a shot (please note that these instr...
How to Make a Band and Get Discovered
Putting together a band with the hopes of becoming famous can sometimes be a discouraging thing. There is a lot of work involved, and everyone in the band will need to put in an equal amount of work and dedication and be on the same page. However, by fo...
How to Clean a Rusty Razor Blade
When razor blades are exposed to moisture for extended amounts of time, oxidation occurs. This causes rust to form on the metal. Most people toss their razors out once rust forms, but you can actually remove that rust and use your razor blades safely for...
How to Zoom in on a Photo in Microsoft Paint
When you are working in Microsoft Paint, you may find yourself needing a closer look at your pictures or designs. Luckily, there are a few short cuts that you can use to zoom in that will quickly become second nature!
How to Tie up a Horse
Tying a horse, sometimes called racking-up, means securing a horse to a fixed object by means of a halter and lead rope. This may be done to restrict the horse’s movement for grooming, tacking up or simply to stop the horse from wandering around. Learn t...
How to Get a Cat for a Pet
Many people enjoy sharing their lives with animals, and cats are one of the most common pets to get. While getting a new pet is an exciting prospect, it is important to remember that cats are living beings with many needs. In order to get a cat for a pe...
Above Ground Pool Installation: The Ultimate Guide
There are many above-ground pools on the market today that offer hours of family fun and good exercise when the weather is just too hot for other activities. While installing an above-ground pool may seem difficult, the kits they sell these days make the...
How to Buy a Cell Phone
These days, having a cell phone almost isn’t even a luxury anymore—it’s pretty much a necessity! With so many cell phone carriers and retailers, it can feel overwhelming to try to figure out the best way to buy one. To help cut through the clutter, we’ve...