How To
How to Host a Murder Mystery Party
Murder mystery parties are becoming more and more popular. While you can hire a company to stage an entire production out of your home, the information below applies only to the "do-it-yourself" type of home parties where you and your guests play all the...
How to Take Clothing Measurements Without Measuring Tape
Whether you’re determining your clothing size from a sizing chart or you’re making clothing for yourself or another person, taking precise measurements is key for a good fit. A flexible cloth measuring tape is best for this, but if you don’t have one on h...
How to Be Outgoing
Some people are naturally outgoing, but other people have to practice to become outgoing. If you want to become outgoing, there are several strategies that you can use. Being “outgoing” involves learning how to present yourself to others, striking up conv...
How to Be Outgoing
Some people are naturally outgoing, but other people have to practice to become outgoing. If you want to become outgoing, there are several strategies that you can use. Being “outgoing” involves learning how to present yourself to others, striking up conv...
How to Prepare, Prime, and Paint Veneer
Veneer is a decorative wood layer that's overlaid on a different surface. Veneer can be primed, painted, stained, and treated just like any other wood surface. Painting veneer surfaces is a great way to spruce up furniture, make older pieces look newer, o...
How to Brew Beer Using All Grain Method
This is a method of brewing beer using malted grains instead of extract, with an emphasis on getting it done inexpensively but without sacrificing quality.
How to Sleep when Someone Is Snoring
If you’ve ever tried to sleep in the same room as a snorer, you know that getting a good night of rest can be a tall task! You can cope with the help of some easy tips, like blocking out the noise with headphones or earplugs. If you’re still not getting a...
Meeting the Parents? Here’s How to Act
It can be hard to know how to act around your girlfriend's parents, especially if you're meeting them for the first or second time. The important thing is to be respectful and engaged and to make it clear how much you like their daughter. In the end, that...
How to Stop Feeling Self Conscious
Have you ever stopped to wonder exactly why you feel self-conscious? For some people, it's worries about certain features of their appearance; for others, it's about status, smarts, or funds. If you feel judged by other people, it's important to realize t...
How to Administer Medicine to a Resistant Child
If your child is sick, then medicine prescribed by a doctor and/or over-the-counter may be necessary. In either case your child may be reluctant to take the medicine because of the way it's administered, the medicine's flavor, or for other reasons. If you...
How to Get Fit As a Teenager
Your body will grow and change during your teen years. So, during this period of your life, it’s important to keep physically fit and develop healthy dietary and exercise habits. If you’d like to increase your level of fitness, start by eating a healthy d...
How to Shoot the Moon in Hearts
The card game Hearts has an unusual scoring system: the winner is the player who accumulates the fewest number of points, by avoiding the Queen of Spades (13 points) and every Heart card (one point per card). However, if a player "shoots the moon" by taki...
How to Squat in Abandoned Property
Squatting, the practice of living in abandoned or unoccupied spaces that a squatter does not legally own, is a great way to avoid paying rent, annex parts of your neighbors' yards, or even take a whole house from someone if you’re willing to take the risk...
How to Dive in Soccer
Diving is an important part of every soccer game, whether it’s done by the goalies or the other players on the field. Ground and aerial dives are techniques for goalies to make saves. As a goalie, you can use your positioning and legs to get to balls that...
How to Draw an Ambigram for Beginners (with Examples)
An ambigram is a word written in a way that can be read right-side up and upside down. An example of this would be the word “NOON”—no matter how you look at the word, it still reads the same way! So, how do you make one of these yourself? Ambigrams can be...
How to Explore Abandoned Structures
An abandoned structure is any man made object that is no longer in use. Structures that could fall into this definition include buildings, bridges, bunkers, tunnels, drains, mines, water towers, railroad tracks, farms, wells, or houses. Here are some easy...