How to Appear Like a Smart Girl at School
How to Appear Like a Smart Girl at School
This guide will cover mainly physical appearance plus tips and advice on how to act in school. A smart girl can have the world at her feet if she works hard for her goals. This article assumes that you are already a smart girl and want the world to know it, but for more tips on increasing your actual intelligence, please see the related articles. So are you ready to distinguish yourself from the rest of the girls by turning into a smart girl even by your looks?


Envision yourself as the "smart girl". Observe other brainy girls carefully. What do you like about them? What do you dislike about them? Make a list of the pros and cons before you consider the change.

Cut your hair to a medium length. Studies have shown that medium-length hair is perceived as intelligent. If your hair is medium length, you can neatly braid it, wear it down and natural or put it in a neat-looking bun. If you would prefer to keep it long, that is okay, but, you should make sure it's clean and neat. Whatever your style, make sure it doesn't take too long to manage. You will want to spend more time learning and less time standing in front of the mirror. Keep it natural looking and avoid excessive hair products (including dye, except in a natural colour). A small leather headband is good too.

Dress intelligently. Cotton polo shirts, T-shirts with the names of museums or with university logos on them, plain and tailored-looking pants, knee-length and above-the-knee skirts, and clean, neat, clean-cut, and sensible leather shoes/sandals are all nice. Navy blue, plaids and brown also look nice, but don't do it every day. Avoid trends and flashy clothes. Dress modestly. Don't show too much skin.

Keep your make-up clean and not excessive or elaborate. No glitter or shine. Imitate the makeup of women of stature. Look for inspiration from fashion websites that address makeup for working women, and only use makeup in that section. You don't have to wear any makeup if you don't want to. Avoid excessive piercings.

Wear glasses if you need them. Sometimes it makes people seem more intelligent, especially rectangle and rounded frames. Keep them clean. Thick frames are especially good. However, if you don't need them, don't be pretentious.

Carry these items: a practical backpack of reasonable size, a good book to read, an address book to put your friends' phone numbers in, notebooks for your various needs, school paper, some pencils with good erasers, some ballpoint pens, a hand-held manual pencil sharpener that doesn't need to be used over a trash bag, some good art erasers, some good eraser caps, and a study/day planner.

Acting Like a Smart Girl in School

Impress your teachers. Start to study very hard and keep trying to raise your grades. Ask your teachers what you can do for extra credit. Your teachers in high school will write recommendations for you for college. Keep that in mind! Become a "do-er" at school which means winning the science fair, running for office, or organizing the school dance. Write good articles for the school newspaper.

Show enthusiasm about school. Many teens show or pretend to have, a very negative or bored attitude about high school and working hard. They think it is "cool" to be indifferent. Be the opposite. If you don't take delight in school, why waste your time? You are there to learn.

Build a "homework cave" for yourself at home. Keep all your work/books/supplies in one place, along with a desk and a strong desk light. Insist on peace and quiet from other family members. If it is too loud at home, study at the public library. Organizing your schoolwork and making lists helps you, not just in school, but in life.

With your principal's permission, start a project in your school. Try to raise money and awareness for worthy causes such as "Stop Hunger in Africa" or "Cure Childhood Cancer". You will also feel like a better person for it.

Find a smart woman for a role model. Ask if she will "mentor" you during school.

Set Goals. It's much easier to get things done if you clearly outline to yourself exactly what it is that you need to do.

Always have your stationery out in lessons. Have your planner out, then put your pencil case on top in front of you. Get your ruler and pen/pencil out, ready to learn.

Volunteer to answer questions in class. Teachers will think you are really trying and it could be the few marks you will need to move from a B to A.


Work hard to get into university. University admissions look at the High School you went to, your transcripts (grades and SAT scores), your teacher/counselor recommendations, and what you tell them in your essays about yourself. Finish college applications early when you are a Senior.

Broaden your hobbies. Discover interesting things to do with your close friends and when you are by yourself. Try to pick a music, a sport, a craft, and anything else you love.

Practice time management. It will leave you more room for fun. Figure out where you are losing too much time in your day and fix it.

Develop poise. Work at becoming steady and confident. Try to some have composure at all times. Giggling, gossiping and insecurity make you look silly. Practice staying calm under pressure and being comfortable in a variety of settings.

Exercise as much as you can. It will give you much-needed focus and make you more relaxed. Eat protein sources: egg white, tuna fish, chicken, power bars, etc. Try out for a good team sport like soccer or something you enjoy. Get good at it and enjoy it. Attend sports camps in the summer for at least 2 weeks. Try to jog, slowly building up to 5 kilometres (3 miles) a day to help your endurance. Also run stairs if you can to build up your leg muscles. A great side benefit is how thin you will stay or become and you will feel great about yourself. Also working out at a gym can build strength and confidence.

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