How to Be a Good Observer
How to Be a Good Observer
Life can be so fast-paced and full of distractions that it’s easy to forget to slow down and really pay attention to what’s happening around you. But being present and observational can make your life more enjoyable, allow you to engage with people better, and help you notice things that you’ve always overlooked or taken for granted, and it's totally possible to become a better observer with practice. Below we’ve put together some tips that can help you get started!
Easy Ways to Improve Your Observation Skills

Learning the Habits of an Observer

Know the difference between observing and looking. Observing and looking require the use of the eyes. Many people use the terms interchangeably, but they are very different actions. Looking is when you see things without the intent of using it later. You don't commit anything to memory or try to make meaning of what you see. Observing is seeing what is around you and keeping it in your mind so you can make meaning out of it or pose questions about it. Deduction is when you separate the important details from the unimportant ones after you have observed something. In deduction, you use your careful observation to come to a conclusion. To practice observing, do a short meditation where you focus on each of your senses for 1 minute. Pay attention to what you're seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, and feeling. Doing this exercise will help you be more in-tune with your surroundings.

Be mindful of your surroundings. A good observer takes in their surroundings instead of just taking them for granted. Look around yourself as you walk to the store or drive to work. You will start to notice things, like the same cars that take the same route to work or when the store on the corner has changed its display. If you visit the same places every day, start paying closer attention to them. What do you notice about these places? What changes? What stays the same? Try to recall things about these places later to see how much you remember.

Pay attention to detail. Start noticing the details of things you pass. Paying attention to things that might seem insignificant makes you conscious of your surroundings. This makes you a better observer. The more you purposefully notice things, the quicker it will become a habit. What kind of trees are planted in front of your favorite coffee shop? What color shirt does your boss wear most often? What kind of cars are parked in the parking lot? How does the sound of your street differ at 7 a.m. versus 7 p.m.? Notice minute details. When waiting in line at the post office, observe the condition of people's clothes and shoes. Watch what people order at a restaurant. Taking the time to pick up small details helps make you more observant.

Refrain from judgment. To be a good observer, you must be neutral. Observations don't include personal feelings or judgment because those things are based on bias. When personal feelings, preconceived notions, and prejudices get involved, people don't see what is there. They see an object distorted by their perception. A good observer ignores their personal feelings and sees things for what they are. To accomplish this, start by taking a step back. Remove yourself from the world around you. Instead of thinking about the negative experience you had with a certain dog breed, see the dog for what it is. Don't look at people who drive a certain kind of car in a certain way because you associate that car with a certain social class. Staying neutral helps you see things for what they really are. The pit bull you are terrified of is playing with kittens and licking strangers in the park. The person driving the expensive car may work three jobs to pay for it. Anderson Cooper Anderson Cooper, Journalist & Political Correspondent Use your observational skills. "If you feel like an outsider, you tend to observe things a lot more."

Slow down. To be a good observer, you must slow down. Rushing through your day leaves no time to observe the world around you. Try taking a certain amount of time every day to notice the world around you. Do new things or try to see familiar things through a new lens. Try taking a picture every day. Not just any picture, though; take pictures of interesting things you see every day. This can help you work on noticing your surroundings and taking the time to observe what's around you. Look at a new piece of art every day. Try to remember the model of the car that parks beside you every day. Try new foods and write down the details about the food. Give yourself time to observe the world around you.

Practicing Your Observation Skills

Improve your memory. Part of being a good observer is remembering details. This includes remembering everything from locking your door before you leave your house to the color of the car you parked beside. Since our brains filter a lot of that irrelevant information out, make a conscious effort to start committing simple details to memory. It will help you improve your memory while making you a better observer of your surroundings. As you leave your house, tell yourself, "I turned off the stove. I locked the door." This will help you commit it to memory. This technique also helps you start observing small, everyday tasks. Use memory games like concentration. The memory skills you want to develop for strengthening observation skills are the ones connected to the senses. Sight is especially important. Show yourself pictures, then close your eyes and try to remember what you observed in the photo. Walk through the city and remembering what you smelled. Try to replay conversations from the day each evening to see how much of the dialog you can remember word for word.

Eliminate distractions. One reason that people are not as observant as they should be is because they are distracted. Cell phones, music, a to-do list - there are a lot of reasons why people are distracted daily. Try getting rid of distractions so you can focus on your surroundings. Remove your headphones when you walk or are on the train. Listen to the sounds around you, including conversations. Don't just look at the objects around you, consciously observe them. By not being distracted, you will be aware of everything around you and remember it more easily. Focus on the television show or movie you are watching and listen closely to songs. Instead of mindlessly watching or listening, pay attention to them. Think about costuming choices in the show or movie, or why the director chose a particular way to set up a shot. Look at the props, especially the background, and see what you can observe and deduce about the characters, themes, or plot. Try to figure out the meaning of song lyrics as you listen.

Keep a field journal. Observation is a very scientific approach to the world. By keeping a field journal, you are recording your observations. This can be about anything; the important thing is to observe everything around you and strengthen your observation skills. Start by going to a park with a notebook. Jot down what you see around you. Make sure to note specifics, like the color of the shirts people are wearing, the birds flying overhead, the sounds. Begin trying to figure out what are important details and which details are not as important. Use this field observation in other aspects of your life. How many times does the guy in the cubicle next to you get up to talk on his cell during the day? How many times does a customer pick up an item before they buy it? What color shirt do most people wear on the bus? Take these observations and begin to draw conclusions. For example, customers don't pick up food items multiple times before buying them; they pick them up and set them on the counter. Customers pick up beauty products five times before making a decision to buy it. Your boss always wears a blue shirt on Mondays, and green shirt on Thursdays. Use this journal to outline irregularities in your day. Think about irregular sounds or events that happen around you. Being a good observer means being able to pick out things that are out of the ordinary.

Form connections between what you see. Part of observing is coming to conclusions. Practice observing the world and analyzing what that means. Don't just observe without doing anything with the information. If you see a frazzled mother in a store with her teenage daughter, then spot college brochures inside her purse, you can come to the conclusion that she is stressed because her daughter is about to go to college. If you see a man with a stain on his shirt, and then see the car seat in his backseat, you can conclude that the stain was a baby-related accident.

Meditate. Meditation is a great exercise for strengthening observation skills. It helps you clear your mind of clutter and distractions so you can focus. Spend 10-15 minutes a day relaxing. Get in a quiet room, or turn on quiet instrumental music. Breathe in and out and push all thoughts from your mind. Focus on everything around you, like the sounds and the smells.

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