How to Clean a Betta Fish Tank
How to Clean a Betta Fish Tank
Bettas are extremely lovable and actually quite intelligent pets that are very easy to care for. However, they eat and excrete just like any living creature. That's why cleaning out their tank is very important. While a betta won't require walking or regular trips to the veterinarian, it does require that you keep its tank and water clean for it to stay happy and healthy.

Preparing to Clean a Betta Fish Tank

Wash your hands! Take the time to make sure you don't have dirty hands. You want to make sure that you don't accidentally introduce germs or dirt into the tank while you clean it. If you use soap, make sure to rinse it off thoroughly. Soap residue can kill fish.

Unplug any heaters, filters, lights, and other equipment before you start. It is important to keep all electrical appliances unplugged and away from the tank while you are cleaning it. While these appliances should be made for use in a fish tank, you do not want them to accidentally fall into the tank or be otherwise submerged in water.

Gather the tools and materials you will need. To clean the tank you will first need to set up a safe and clean place to stash your fish. Find a clean cup or bowl that you can put the fish in. Take some of the water from the Betta's existing tank and place it into the glass or bowl; You will need just enough water so that the fish will have a little room to swim around. In addition, you will need the tools to clean and refresh the tank's water. You will also need: a sink, a plastic cup or net to scoop the fish and water, paper towels and a scrubber to clean the inside of the tank, water conditioner (which is available at most pet or aquarium stores), a sieve to use when cleaning tank gravel, and a plastic spoon.

Scoop water out of the tank. Using a small cup, scoop out 50% to 80% of the water in the tank. Set it aside so that it can be used later on in the tank. This has to be done because you cannot change the water entirely, as it might put the betta into shock. Instead, you will put the water you set aside back into the tank, after it is cleaned. If you are a new owner, you can start by 50% water changes and gradually increase it till you reach 80%. Most of the filth in a betta's tank is in the gravel at the bottom. If you take the water off the top, then you will still be getting rid of most of the dirt and grime when you clean the gravel.

Remove the fish from the tank. Once you have removed some of the water from the tank, scoop your fish with the same cup. Take your time and be careful of the fish's fins. If you go really slow, you may be able to get the fish to settle into the cup while it is underwater, and then you can simply lift it straight up. Place the fish into the glass or bowl that you have already filled with tank water. Keep in mind that while doing this you need to make sure the fish doesn't jump out. Bettas are known jumpers, so put a lid on whatever container you are keeping the fish in.

Washing a Betta Fish Tank

Empty the tank. Drain the remaining water out of the tank through a sieve into the sink. This will prevent any gravel from falling down the drain. Remove any decor that is in the tank as well. You can simply set it on top of the gravel in the sieve.

Run the gravel under warm water. Fold the gravel with your hand and shake it side to side to get the dirt, poo, and left over food out. Use your hands to do it really thoroughly.

Rinse the tank and decor with warm water. Use a soft scrubber to scrub the glass. Dry the decor well with a paper towel and put it to the side. Never use soap on anything in a fish tank, including the tank itself. The residue is likely to remain and hurt your betta.

Refill the tank. Place the gravel and plants back into the tank before you refill it. Then pour new water into the tank and condition it. Follow the directions on the package of conditioner to determine how much conditioner to put in your fish's tank. Use a plastic spoon to stir the water, making sure that the conditioner is mixed into the new water thoroughly. Remember to reserve enough room for the original water that you took out of the tank. Pour the old water you reserved back into the tank once the new water has been conditioned. Stir it all together well.

Wait 24 to 48 hours for the water to settle and come to room temperature. The tank water must be the same temperature as the water was before, and should be between 72 to 80 °F (22 to 27 °C). Your fish WILL die from stress if you change the temperature too quickly. Water coming to room temperature could take a while. Check the water after 24 hours using a thermometer to make sure the water temperature matches the ambient temperature in the room. If it is not room temperature, wait a few more hours and then check it again.

Reintroduce the betta to its tank. Slowly put the cup (where you kept your betta) into the tank and tilt the cup a bit. Your betta will slowly come out of the cup by itself. Be gentle while you're doing this, as you might hurt it's fins. Keep an eye on the betta. Once you let it go, it'll soon start exploring the tank. Set your tank back to where it was and enjoy as it swims around observing everything!

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