How to Create a Short Film Only Using Android Smartphone
How to Create a Short Film Only Using Android Smartphone
You want to become popular and famous at your school? You want to get respect from friends and fans? You want to become a director, actor, professional cameraman or you just want create a short film just for fun? If you don't know where to start, making a film on your Android can be fun!

Get an Android smartphone with a better camera. You need a clear, un-lack camera with a HD quality before beginning.

Gather a team. Tell your friends about your film project. Recruit people who you think would be a good help.

Discuss. Let everybody give their own creative ideas about your project. Make sure everybody has a chance to share ideas. Think about possible story-lines and genres for the project, such as action, comedy, survivor, horror, etc.

Plan out your action and main lines before filming. This will avoid you from any confuse or unclear dialogue or action movement. You don't necessarily need a set script, but it helps to have a solid plan. Remember to plan it be carefully and be clever. What you need plan is the storyline (plot), actor action, dialogue and movement, location of film and camera anger or position. Make sure you create a believable/fun dialogue that's easy for the actors to read to avoid from any confused or mistakes.

Find a place to film. Make sure location of film is safe from any disruptions, and be sure to not trespassing. Get a permission from owner of location or lands before taking a film. Ask for permission first before starting to shoot. If you want to create an action or parkour film, make sure the location that you choose is safe. Make sure the place that you choose is free from noise sound.

Make sure everything is ready. Make sure your crew has memorized the dialogue, action, movement, etc. Don't force your friends/crew to do any stunts or dangerous action moves that they're not comfortable with. Give your friends/crew time to memorize the dialogue.

Start shooting! In this step, start recording your action and make sure to cut and retry again if you experience any disruptions or mistakes. Use a tripod to hold your the camera. Taking and recording the film from Android can be tricky at first, but becomes easier with practice. Make sure your Android is in the good position and angle. Always cut and switch another position of your camera to take another shot. Make sure to hold your Android perfectly! Always tell your cameraman to focus during recording to make sure your end result will be clear. Make sure you pause or stop the recording when trying to switch to a new angle/focus.

Reshoot as needed. If someone makes a mistake, just start over and try again. Don't give up. Don't be mad or angry if a member of your crew makes a mistake, because it's normal. Everybody can accidentally make a mistake during filming. What you have to do is make sure your crew is paying attention and is serious about doing the film.

After everything is done, replay the recorder. Make sure everything came out how you intended it. If you spotter any mistakes, try shooting that particular scene again. You don't have to start the whole film over, since you can edit together different shots and scenes later.

Start editing. You can download any video maker from Google Play Store, and search for good options online (check the reviews). When you find one you like, use it to trim your video and merge your different scenes into one film. If you have a computer rather than an Android phone, you can download any video application on your computer. If you need a better application, just search Google for reviews. Steven Spielberg Steven Spielberg, Film Director Craft a compelling narrative that will connect with your audience. "The most amazing thing for me is that every single person who sees a movie, not necessarily one of my movies, brings a whole set of unique experiences. Now, through careful manipulation and good storytelling, you can get everybody to clap at the same time, to hopefully laugh at the same time, and to be afraid at the same time."

Add special effects. If you want to put any explosion or any special effects, you can download any FX action movie application from the Google Play Store.

Keep it active and don't give up! Making a film is not easy. You may need a few days, or more than a month to complete your project, depending on the scale.

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