How to Cut Elegant Paper Snowflakes
How to Cut Elegant Paper Snowflakes
We all probably learned how to make a simple paper snowflake at some point when we were kids, but here's the "grown-up" version of this favorite childhood wintertime craft.

Folding the Paper

Fold the paper in half.

Fold the paper in half again, making quarters.

Fold each folded edge over to touch its opposite folded edge.

Fold the paper in half.

First fold by one third (60-degree angle).

Turn over and make the second 60-degree fold.

Fold the paper into 60-degree angles from the folded edge of the paper.

Cut away waste paper (anything that is less than six layers). Stop at this point to make a star/snowflake with a pattern that repeats only three times.

Fold the paper in half again, so that the two folded edges lie atop each other. This will make a 6 pointed snowflake with a pattern that repeats six times.


Cut the raw edges first. These will become the outside edge of your snowflake, so make them as interesting as you like. Cutting one side of the outer edge further away from the center than the other will yield "points" that stick out in the manner of a "real" snowflake.

Cut one divot from each folded edge, keeping your cuts parallel to previous cuts, and taking large chunks of paper from the base. If your scissors begin cutting on one folded side, they must also end cutting on that same side. If you begin on one side and end on the other side, you will suddenly be making a much smaller snowflake.

Keep in mind that elegant means simple. Three larger cuts to your snowflake blank will generally yield better results than 10 smaller cuts.

Make your cuts parallel and equidistant from each other, to give a more "finished" or "polished" look to the craft.

Leave only 20-25% of your blank. (Cut away 75-85% of your blank.) Use smooth, flowing curves for best results at first - This will make achieving the look easier. Attempt cutting the more angular flakes after you've mastered the tips.

Getting Ideas for Designs

Be inspired by a church rose window. G2_39.JPG G2a_681.JPG

Make an angel. G4_418.JPG G4a_570.JPG

Try abstract designs. G5_588.JPG G5a_326.JPG

Play with geometric shapes. G6_147.JPG G6a_407.JPG

Make a design with five cuts. G7_220.JPG G7a_218.JPG

Try three cuts. I3_264.JPG I2_203.JPG

Get creative with way too many cuts... it's still fun! G3_445.JPG G3a_610.JPG

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