How to Delete Yahoo! Accounts
How to Delete Yahoo! Accounts
This wikiHow teaches you how to permanently delete a Yahoo account using Yahoo's website as well as how to remove Yahoo accounts from your iPhone or Android's Yahoo Mail app.

Permanently Deleting Accounts

Go to the Yahoo account deletion page. In a web browser type in the address bar and press ↵ Enter.

Enter your email address, then click Next. You'll do so in the field on the right side of the page.

Enter your password and click Sign in. This section is on the right side of the page.

Scroll down and click Continue. It's at the bottom of the information page. This page outlines the terms of deletion, as well as reminding you to cancel any paid Yahoo services.

Enter your email address again. You'll do so in the text field in the middle of the page.

Click Yes, terminate this account. Doing so will schedule your account for deletion. In 90 days, your account will be permanently deleted.

Removing Accounts on Mobile

Open Yahoo Mail. This app is purple with a white envelope and "YAHOO!" written on it.

Tap ☰. It's in the top-left corner of the screen. Doing so invokes a pop-out menu.

Tap Manage Accounts. This option is near the top of the pop-out menu.

Tap Edit. It's in the top-right corner of the screen.

Tap Remove to the right of an account. This is a red button on the right side of the account you wish to remove.

Tap Remove when prompted. It's a blue button on a pop-up window. Doing so will remove your selected account from the Yahoo Mail app, though it does not delete your account from Yahoo. You'll repeat the removal process for each account you wish to remove from Yahoo Mail.

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