How to Do Christian Meditation
How to Do Christian Meditation
When you think about meditation, you may automatically picture Eastern religions or new-age practices that don't quite align with your Christian beliefs. However, meditation is mentioned in the Bible about 20 times, and it can be a great way to feel closer to God.[1]
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In Christian meditation, the goal is to focus your whole being on God, rather than the Eastern tradition of trying to empty your mind completely. The easiest way to do this is to meditate on Scripture, although you can choose any subject that helps you feel close to God.


Choose a subject to meditate on, like a Bible verse. Most of the time, Christian meditation involves reading and reflecting on a Bible verse or passage. If you'd like, you can write the verse down on an index card or in a notebook and keep that with you as you meditate, or you can read it straight out of your Bible during meditation. If you do a daily devotional, you might meditate on the Scripture in each day's devotion. You could also pick a passage in the Bible and read until a certain verse really sticks out to you. If you're not sure where to start, try reading Psalms, Proverbs, or the gospels, which are the books of Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John. If you'd like, you can meditate on something other than Scripture, as long as it brings your attention to God. For instance, you might reflect on God's blessings in your life or a godly lesson you've learned. If you feel close to God when you're in nature, you might sit outdoors and meditate on the beauty of God's creation.

Start out by meditating for about 5-10 minutes. If you're just getting started in Christian meditation, start with shorter sessions where you just allow God's word to speak to you. As you get more comfortable with the practice, you can work up from there. Planning to meditate for a set amount of time can help keep you focused. Try setting a timer so you'll know when your meditation is over. As a beginner it can even help to start meditating for 1 minute during your first session, 2 minutes during the next session, and so on.

Study your Bible verse or meditation subject carefully. If you chose a Scripture, read it carefully at least 2 or 3 times. Reflect on the meaning of the verse, both in a broad sense and how the verse applies to you. For instance, you may choose to meditate on Hebrews 13:8, which says, "Jesus Christ is the same yesterday and today and forever." You might think about what that would have meant to early Christians, but also what that means to you personally in your walk with Him. If you choose to meditate on God's natural beauty, you might find a spot with a beautiful view, or you might hold a delicate flower or leaf in your hand as you examine it.

Focus on filling your mind, rather than emptying it. Many practices of meditation encourage you to let go of all of your thoughts, clearing your mind completely. In Christian meditation, you do still need to let go of any unrelated thoughts, but instead of emptying your mind, try to keep your whole attention focused on God. If you notice your mind starting to drift, re-read your Scripture, or turn your attention back to the object or thought you're meditating on. Don't worry if this seems hard at first—it should get easier with practice.

Write your thoughts in a journal if you have trouble focusing. If you find that your mind tends to wander while you're meditating, journaling may help you stay on track. Start by reading and re-reading the Bible verse or passage you're meditating on. Then, write down your reflections on that verse, including what you think it means and how you can relate that verse to your own life, personally. Combine meditation with prayer journaling by writing down your prayer requests at the end of your meditation.

Make your meditation as personal as possible. Find a way to relate to whatever you're saying so it feels real to you. For instance, if you're studying a parable, you might think about how that story could be a metaphor for a situation in your own life. If you're meditating on nature, think about the complexity of your own body and the miracle of being alive at all. Then, try to picture how you can incorporate those insights into your day-to-day life. For example, if you're reading a verse like Psalm 56:3, which says, "When I am afraid, I put my trust in you," you might think about a scenario where you might feel scared, then imagine yourself turning to God in prayer for peace and comfort. You can even put yourself in a Bible story. For instance, if you're reading about Jesus multiplying the loaves and fishes, you might imagine the smell of the bread or the taste of the fish.

End your meditation with a prayer. Meditation isn't the same as praying, because you're reflecting on God's word, rather than talking to Him. However, you can still end your meditation in prayer—it can help you feel even closer to God as you return to your day. For instance, you might pray something like, "Dear Lord, thank you for continuing to bless me with Your wisdom. Please help me look for ways to share Your love with others today. Amen."


Choose a time of day when you can be alone. In order to really focus on the word of God, try to choose a time to meditate when you won't be bothered by distractions. If you live with other people, for instance, you might try to meditate before they wake up or after they go to bed. If it's not possible to meditate when everyone else is asleep or out of the house, try saying something like, "Hey, I'm going to pray and read my Bible for about 15 minutes. Does anyone need anything before I do that?" Be sure to shut out any other distractions. For example, you might silence your phone and turn off the TV until you're finished. The morning can be a great time to meditate, as there's no one around, not much noise, and not many cars around.

Meditate at the same time each day. It's easier to turn something into a consistent practice if you have a dedicated time set aside for it. You might choose to meditate when you first wake up or before you go to sleep, for instance, or you might take a few minutes out of your lunch break to devote to God's word. Try setting an alarm to help yourself remember to meditate at the same time every day. It may take a little while to find the time that works best for you, so don't worry if you have to change it a few times before you settle into a routine. Make sure to pick a time that makes sense for you. If you're too sleepy in the evening, for instance, you'll just fall asleep during your meditation.

Find a comfortable meditating position. While you may picture meditation as sitting cross-legged on the floor, there's really no right or wrong when it comes to how you should sit. You can sit on a cushion on the floor, a chair, or anywhere that you happen to be. However, it is important that you choose a position that's comfortable to you, because otherwise, it might be difficult to concentrate on God's word. Keep in mind that if you're too comfortable, like if you're lying in your bed, you might start to get drowsy, which can affect your meditation as well. Make sure that the room is a comfortable temperature. If you're sitting in a tank top but know it's going to get colder, slip into something warmer right away so you aren't thinking about it while you're meditating.


Follow along with a daily study Bible. If you don't want to spend much time searching for the right verse to meditate on each day, try getting a study Bible from a faith-based bookstore. These Bibles often have guided readings, and they also include notes that provide context and additional insights into the Scripture. Try reading the passage for the day, along with the study notes. Then, spend a few minutes meditating on a verse that you found meaningful that day. Remember, while the Scripture itself is considered holy, the additional notes in a study Bible were written by people. If your interpretation of a Biblical verse is different from theirs, that's okay.

Read a daily devotional at the start of your meditation. Another way to find new verses each day is to use a book that contains daily devotionals. These devotions are usually centered around a short verse or passage, and they're typically paired with a short anecdote to help readers relate to the verse. Read through the devotional the way you normally would, then hone in on just the day's Bible verse as you meditate. Try to find a devotional that's targeted to you. For instance, you can find devotions geared specifically towards teens, adults, parents, or even certain professions, like nurses. You can even sign up for a daily devotion in your email if you find one you like.

Use an app for guided meditations. Search the play store on your favorite device for a Christian meditation app. Then, load up the app every day during your normal meditation to get a new Bible verse that you can focus on. Many include a meditation timer, and some also include worship music. Some apps are more focused on strengthening your prayer life, while others are designed to help you feel more at peace or even to help you sleep better. A few of the more popular apps include Abide, Soultime, Hope, and Whispers from God.

Ask fellow believers to suggest good verses for meditation. If you'd prefer a more self-guided meditation practice but you could still use some help coming up with ideas for verses, try talking to your clergy and fellow church members. Ask them if there are any verses that have been particularly meaningful to them lately, then write them all down in a notebook or the notes app on your phone so you can return to them later. Try to get in the habit of sharing verses during a regular prayer meeting or fellowship.

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