How to Earn Millions of Dollars in The Sims
How to Earn Millions of Dollars in The Sims
Do you want your Sim to be rich? So you can build a big mansion, and live the glamorous life? Well, no matter the reason why you want your Sim to get a lot of money, this guide will show you how to earn millions of dollars in the Sims!

Using the Rosebud Cheat (Sims 1)

Open the Sims, and go to the lot you want to make rich.

Press Ctrl+⇧ Shift+C and type in rosebud. Use "klapaucius" cheat if you are using patched version of game.

Look at your funds. You will get 1,000 simoleons every time you enter the cheat. Keep entering it and you will be filthy rich in no time!

Using the Motherlode Cheat (Sims 2/3/4)

Open the Sims, and go to the lot you want to make rich.

Press Ctrl+⇧ Shift+C and type in motherlode.

Review the results. You will get 50,000 simoleons every time you enter the cheat. Keep entering it and you will be filthy rich in no time!

Using Familyfunds Cheat (Sims 2/3)

Open the Sims, and go to the lot you want to make rich.

Press Ctrl+⇧ Shift+C and type in testingcheatsenabled true for Sims 3, or boolProp testingCheatsEnabled true for Sims 2, then familyfunds (householdname) x. Replace the part in brackets with your household's name, and the x with the amount of money you want them to have.

Using the Money Cheat (Sims 4)

Open the Sims, and go to the lot you want to make rich.

Press Ctrl+⇧ Shift+C and type in testingcheats true and then money x. Replace the x with the amount of money you want your sims to have.

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