How to Garrison Villagers Inside the Town Center in Age of Empires
How to Garrison Villagers Inside the Town Center in Age of Empires
Modern versions of Age of Empires (since AoE 2) allow the player to garrison villagers inside the Town Center to save them from invading enemies. Enemy infantry and cavalry target the villagers as a way of crippling you economically and preventing you from being able to create military and defend your colony. In most AoE versions, garrisoning villagers increases the shooting power/damage of the Town Center or building as well.

Garrisoning Villagers by Commanding Them

Select the villager(s) you want to garrison. You can do this by left-clicking the villager, or clicking and dragging a selection box around multiple villagers. To garrison multiple villagers simultaneously, select them all first. You can do this by double-clicking one of the villagers to select all villagers that are in the current field of view.

Scroll the screen to find the Town Center. Do this by moving the mouse or pressing the left, right, up and down arrow keys.

Right-click the Town Center you want to garrison them in. In AoE 3, just right-click the the Town Center, and the villager will immediately be garrisoned inside. In AoE 2, to garrison the villager, you have to hold down the Alt key while right-clicking the Town Center. In AoE 2, You can also use the hotkey G, and then left-click the Town Center. A flag will appear on top of the Town Center, indicating that the building contains garrisoned units. In AoE 2, you can only garrison a maximum of 15 villagers and/or infantrymen in your Town Center, while in AoE 3, you can not garrison infantrymen and can garrison an unlimited number of villagers.

Ungarrison your villagers. To ungarrison the villagers, first left-click the Town Center. Picture icons will appear on the building’s command panel (in the bottom-left corner of the screen in AoE3 and in the bottom-right corner of the screen in AoE2) showing the type and number of units garrisoned inside. Clicking on a unit’s icon will immediately ungarrison the unit. They will then appear outside the Town Center.

Garrisoning Villagers by Ringing the Town Bell

Scroll the screen to find the Town Center. Do this by moving the mouse or pressing the left, right, up and down arrow keys.

Select the Town Center. You can do this by left-clicking it or pressing the game-specific hotkey on your keyboard (i.e., T for Age of Empires 3 and all its expansions, and H for Age of Empires 2 and all its expansions).

Ring the Town Bell. You can do this by clicking the Town Bell button (a rectangular icon with a gold bell on it), which will appear on the Town Center’s command panel when you select the building (in the bottom-left corner of the screen in AoE3 and in the bottom-right corner of the screen in AoE2). You can also press the hotkey B to quickly rink the Town Bell (can work in both AoE 2 and 3). You can send your villagers back to work by ringing the Town Bell again. Ringing the Town Bell is a strategy best used when the colony is under attack and will immediately command your villagers to stop working and garrison. You can, however, use it at any time. Ringing the Town Bell will make your villagers garrison inside the nearest building that has garrisoning ability, not just the Town Center. This includes buildings such as Towers and Castles. If your villagers are too far away from a building that has garrisoning ability, they won’t garrison when you ring the Town Bell. You may have to manually garrison them.

Garrisoning Villagers Immediately after their Creation

Select the Town Center. You can do this by left-clicking it or pressing the game-specific hotkey on your keyboard (i.e., T for Age of Empires 3 and all its expansions, and H for Age of Empires 2 and all its expansions).

Right-click the Town Center. This means that you will have set a gather point for any villagers created by the Town Center inside the building itself.

Click the Town Center’s “Train Villager” button to create villagers. With the Town Center selected, a panel will appear in the bottom-left corner of the screen (for Age of Empires 3) or on the bottom-right corner (for Age of Empires 2) with different buttons for the different functions that your Town Center can perform. The “Train Villager” button is the very first one on the panel—the one with a picture of a workman. Click the button once to train one Villager or many times to train many. All villagers that are created will automatically garrison inside the Town Center, thus increasing its firing power against invaders. This strategy is best used when trying to defend the colony in a scenario where you don’t have the resources or buildings to create military. Otherwise, villagers staying garrisoned and idle in the Town Center while they should be working is detrimental to the colony.

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