How to Grow a Washingtonia Robusta
How to Grow a Washingtonia Robusta
Washingtonia robusta, also know as sky duster, is a popular palm tree found in North-Western Mexico and California. Known for its distinctive green, fan-shaped foliage, it isn't the easiest palm tree to look after but can flourish if cared for properly. It can be easily purchased online or at a local nursery usually for a reasonable price, but this may depend on size. The Washingtonia may grow up to its full size at 25m or 82 feet (25 m) tall depending on where you live.

Planing Your Washingtonia

Buy a Washingtonia robusta from a nursery or online.

Get a suitable pot. It may come with a plastic container. The Washingtonia Robusta will grow so you will need to obtain a pot to fit its size.

Prepare the right soil mix. As the Washingtonia Robusta is a desert plant, it will need a reasonable draining system. A dry soil mixed with clay and sand is the best option.

Find the right location. This is pretty simple. It will need full-sun to flourish. The Washingtonia robusta is hardy up to -5°C or 23°F. It is strongly recommended to bring the plant inside around mid-September or wrap it up with bubble wrapping.

Water only if necessary. You probably won't need to worry about watering as the rain will do this for you; however, if you live in a drier climate then you may wish to water it once a week.

Fertilize when it's needed. A liquid fertilizer should be used once every two weeks from mid-Spring to late August.

Growing Outdoors

Dig a hole which is a reasonable size to the size of your Washingtonia robusta. Dig the hole far away from any walls as the Washingtonia can flourish in width and height.

Place the Washingtonia inside the middle of the hole. Make sure that all roots are covered with soil. Add or take out more soil if needed.

Fill in all spaces around the Washingtonia robusta and tamp down soil lightly. Be sure to place all dirt back around the Washingtonia robusta to allow for growth.

Water the soil around the plant until the soil is damp. It is essential that you don't overwater.

Fertilize every two weeks from mid-Spring to late August. Watch it grow!

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