How to Love God
How to Love God
We the believers need to recognize how to love God, and acknowledge that God is love. This was shown best in Him sending His son Jesus Christ to save us from our sins. God desires for us to love Him in return, and to love others as well as ourselves.

Love your fellow human beings as yourself, just as God loves us. If we feel compassion for others in the same way we feel compassion for our own dear ones and ourselves, we can know that we love God. God's most important command for us is to love Him and to love his children. We need to especially love Jesus Christ, because anyone who does not love God's son cannot love Him, the Father.

Live for God and be willing to die for God. Know that the goal of life is to love God.

Be patient with others and with yourself.

Accept him. Accept what God likes and hates and what He does.

Mourn with others and feel happy when others are happy.

Instead of worrying over your own misfortunes, think of how much more fortunate you are than many others. Know that others around the world are going through similar sufferings as you are, if not worse.

Sacrifice yourself to help others, instead of sacrificing others to help yourself.

Be an example for others by loving others like you love yourself.

Endure your lot in life with contentment, accepting it as God's Will. Know that with only knowing God and proper food and clothing, one can be content. The Bible says, "Godliness with contentment is great gain."

Don't be greedy before God. Ask Him to help you with selfish motives for one's own pleasures. Don't serve riches. The Bible says, "You cannot serve both God and money."

Understand that a great act of devotion and worship to God is not to hurt or harm any of His human beings, since all humans are created in His image.

Keep in communication with God and pray always. Speak words of blessing over others only.

Love Him even though you can't see Him. Think of it this way, if you are apart from a friend or spouse you'll still love them, right? Even if you're miles apart and you can't see them, if you can only talk to them.

See God in the things He has created around you. The trees, bees, flowers, nature, the people you love. He created these things for yours and His pleasure. See Him in the miracles and phenomenons around you.

Talk with God. It doesn't matter where, it doesn't matter if it's in your head or out loud, work or play. He promises to listen to your prayers.

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