How to Quickly Lower Blood Sugar
How to Quickly Lower Blood Sugar
The easiest way to lower blood sugar is to take your prescribed insulin. However, your body may take as long as four hours to absorb insulin, and taking too much insulin can kill you. If you need to quickly lower your blood sugar, drink plenty of water and go for a walk. A diet with protein-rich foods, leafy greens, and healthy fats can also help quickly lower your blood sugar. If high blood sugar is a recurring problem for you, talk to your doctor as soon as possible about adjusting your treatment regimen.[1]
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Handling a Potential Emergency

Look for classic signs of high blood sugar. If your blood sugar levels are high, you may feel irritable, tired and lethargic. Feeling very thirsty and having a dry mouth also are common symptoms of high blood sugar. You may have other symptoms that are unique to you. Monitor your body closely so you can learn to see these symptoms as soon as they pop up. If you are vomiting or nauseous, go to the hospital immediately. These may be signs of extremely high blood sugar that could put you at risk of diabetic ketoacidosis, sometimes called a diabetic coma.

Record your blood sugar. If you notice symptoms of high blood sugar, test your blood sugar and write down the result along with the date and time. You also may want to record other details that could help you determine the cause of your high blood sugar. For example, if you just finished eating a big meal, that could be responsible for your increased levels of blood glucose.

Check for ketones. Diabetic ketoacidosis is a temporary complication for type 1 diabetics and can also affect those with type 2 diabetes, though more rarely. It can cause significant physical damage or even death if it remains untreated. If you have type 1 or type 2 diabetes, keep a box of ketone test strips on hand so you can test your urine. As a general rule, if you have diabetes and your glucose is 250 mg/dl or higher, you should also check for ketones. If you have ketones in your urine, contact your doctor immediately or go straight to the hospital.

Drink two glasses of water. Water in and of itself doesn't lower your blood sugar, but it may help rehydrate your body – a complication of ketoacidosis – and may generally make you feel better. Drink one glass right after the other. Drink steadily, don't chug. After the first glass, assess how you feel. Don't keep forcing yourself to drink water if you feel queasy. Sports drinks can help balance your electrolytes and lower your blood sugar, but make sure you get a sugar-free version or your blood sugar will only increase. Water also can help flush out ketones, but be careful. Talk to your doctor if at all possible before you drink water if your urine showed the presence of ketones.

Go for a walk. One of the quickest ways to lower your blood sugar is to engage in some sort of physical activity, and a short walk is the easiest way to accomplish this. If you don't want to stray too far from home, walk in circles inside or jog up and down the stairs. Keep moving for 5 to 10 minutes, then check your blood sugar again. Your doctor may also advise you to check for ketones in your urine. If your blood sugar is not dropping, is above 250 mg/dl, or you have ketones present, stop exercising immediately. Don't exercise for more than 15 or 20 minutes – you don't want your blood sugar to continue to drop. If you have urine ketones, do not engage even in moderate exercise, as it could worsen your condition. Get in touch with your doctor or go to the hospital immediately.

Take a warm shower. If you're at home, getting in a warm shower for about 15 minutes can help the insulin flow through your body to lower your blood sugar more quickly. Make sure the water's not too hot. Check your blood sugar after the shower and see if it's lowered at all. You may want to have another glass of water as well. Keep in mind that taking a warm shower requires glucose – and that your muscles need insulin to use that glucose. That means that if you don't have enough insulin at the moment, your blood sugar level could actually increase.

Talk to your doctor. If water, walking, and a warm shower haven't brought down your blood sugar to an acceptable level, call your doctor as soon as possible and let them know what's going on. Your doctor may want to bring you in for more tests or adjust your medications or treatment plan. Make sure you carefully document every instance of high blood sugar. If your diet and exercise aren't to blame, you may need a different medication to help control your blood sugar.

Adjusting Your Diet

Pack in the protein. Protein can satisfy your hunger while also helping to stabilize your blood sugar. Add regular protein snacks to your diet two or three times a day. Avoid protein snacks with added sugar, as they'll only make your problem worse. A tablespoon of sugar-free peanut or almond butter will give you the dose of protein you need. You also might try eating a handful of almonds or a piece of cheese.

Make a green smoothie. Leafy green vegetables such as lettuces, kale, and spinach are rich in magnesium, which helps support healthy glucose levels. Batch green smoothies with a mixture of greens and fruits so you have one when you need it. You can find smoothie recipes online. Experiment until you find the ones you like the best. Rotate the type of greens you use regularly so you don't get bored with the taste. Having a serving of leafy greens several times a day can help stabilize your blood sugar over time, so you don't have to deal with high blood sugar as often.

Try a sprinkle of cinnamon. Cinnamon is high in chromium, which some people think absorbs glucose and may help lower your blood sugar. While it's uncertain whether this is actually the case, it won't hurt to add a bit of cinnamon to your diet. If you're having a protein snack or a smoothie, try sprinkling cinnamon on top or blending it in for an added boost. For example, try rolling almonds in cinnamon and roasting them for a tasty snack that will still support healthy blood-glucose levels.

Include more whole grains in your diet. Whole grains are rich in magnesium. While there's not enough evidence to show that magnesium can help lower your blood sugar, type 2 diabetes is closely associated with magnesium deficiency. Make a sandwich with whole wheat or oatmeal bread, or use oatmeal or brown rice to make a breakfast porridge. Oats are a versatile food that can be used in many ways besides just a bowl of oatmeal. Be very careful when it comes to breads. While replacing white flour with whole grains is an improvement, 2 slices of whole grain bread can still raise your blood sugar by more than 2 tablespoons (29.6 ml) of table sugar. Bread may also have added sugar.

Transition to a plant-based diet. Many diabetics find their blood sugar is better regulated when they switch to a plant-based vegetarian or vegan diet. Even if you're not ready to give up the bacon cheeseburgers just yet, limiting meat and dairy products in your diet can help lower your blood sugar. Plant-based foods have plenty of fiber, which slows the release of sugar in the bloodstream, helping to stabilize your blood sugar levels over time. Include plenty of plant-based foods in your diet, even if you're not yet ready to give up meat and dairy. If you love dairy, know that full-fat milk and heavy cream contain less less sugar than the low-fat varieties.

Getting Enough Exercise

Check for the presence of ketones. If you have diabetes and have high blood sugar, use a test strip to test your urine for ketones. Don't attempt exercise if your test reveals any ketones in your urine. Diabetic ketoacidosis is a serious condition and can be deadly. If your test reveals ketones in your urine, contact your doctor immediately.

Start with walking. Regular exercise is the easiest way to maintain healthy blood sugar levels. Walking is an easy way to get started with regular exercise because it's free and you already know how to do it. You want to exercise at moderate intensity – generally, you should be able to carry on a conversation with someone while you're walking. If you feel out of breath, slow down or stop. If you're concerned about going out by yourself, find a friend or neighbor who's willing to walk with you.

Aim for 10 to 15 minutes a day. Regular exercise doesn't mean you're spending hours a day in the gym. About 10 to 15 minutes of moderate-intensity activity each day is really all you need. Make sure you warm up before exercising and cool down at the end. For example, if you're walking for 15 minutes, you could walk at a slower pace for the first and last two minutes of your walk.

Check your blood sugar periodically during exercise. Exercise is one of the easiest ways to quickly lower your blood sugar, but it also can raise your blood sugar if you're exercising too intensely. If you have problems with high blood sugar, test it before, during, and after exercise. You also want to make sure that in attempting to stabilize your blood sugar with exercise, you don't inadvertently cause it to drop too low. If you notice your blood sugar increasing, or dropping too low, stop exercising immediately.

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