How to Recover From Loss of Traction
How to Recover From Loss of Traction
If you happen to lose your grip on the road while driving, knowing how to safely correct your vehicle could spare you hundreds of dollars in costly repairs, or even save your life. There are two main types of skids that threaten drivers: rear wheel ("fishtailing") and front wheel ("plowing"). Though the way your vehicle reacts during a skid may be unpredictable, the solution will be similar no matter the situation. Keep your feet off the pedals, point the wheels in your intended travel direction and let the vehicle slow itself naturally until you regain enough traction to put you back in control.

Correcting a Rear Wheel Skid

Learn to identify a rear wheel skid. This type of skid (more commonly known as “fishtailing”) happens when a vehicle’s front wheels lock up and the rear wheels break loose, causing it to spin. They're most common in wet or icy conditions, or in areas where loose sand or dust makes it difficult for your vehicle's tires to hug the road. The best way to tell when you're about to fishtail is to be aware when your vehicle feels like it's turning more sharply than the angle at which you're steering. Be cautious about taking curves too quickly if the roads are frozen over or it's recently been raining.

Remove your foot from accelerator or brake. As soon as you notice that you’re sliding, release both pedals and focus your attention on the wheel. Resist the urge to slam on the brakes or power out of the skid—any sudden actions will usually just make a loss of traction worse. Hitting the brakes is often an instinctive reaction. You may need to practice controlled skidding under safe conditions (in an icy open lot with no other drivers around, for instance) before you’re able to handle an unexpected slide with a cool head. If you're riding a motorcycle, lay off the throttle until you've made it through the skid safely.

Turn the steering wheel in the direction you want the vehicle to go. Contrary to outdated advice, turning into a skid will only make the vehicle’s movement more unpredictable. By keeping your wheels pointed in the intended travel direction, you’ll be able to continue along your path once you’ve successfully regained traction. If you’re thrown into a spin and aren’t sure which way you’re facing, hold the wheel still. It should still be in roughly the same position as it was before you lost control. Try not to whip your head in either direction, as this will only disorient you further.

Wait for the vehicle to slow itself naturally. Steady the wheel and your keep feet clear of both pedals until you feel the tires come into firm contact with the road. The car’s weight will eventually cause it to right itself and overcome the momentum of a slide. You can then accelerate gently to set yourself moving in a linear direction once more. You might be able to prevent a skid from getting any worse by pressing the clutch on vehicle with a manual transmission. Engaging the clutch will take the engine out of the equation, so you won’t have to worry about any extra force being misdirected. The added friction of a rough driving surface such as gravel may also help slow the vehicle down faster.

Avoid overcompensating. Be ready to stop turning the wheel as soon as you straighten out. Cutting too hard too fast may simply cause the vehicle to fishtail in the opposite direction. Get back on track, then line your wheels up with the road and keep them there. Using slight movements to steer will ensure that your tires have maximum traction at all times.

Correcting a Front Wheel Skid

Be ready to recognize a front wheel skid. Front wheel skids, also known as “plowing,” occur when you turn the steering wheel but the vehicle continues traveling straight ahead. These types of skids often take place on icy, winding roads where your vehicle already has very little grip. If you notice that your vehicle is not responding to your attempts to turn, it's likely that you've entered a front wheel skid.

Apply the brake gently. In a front wheel skid, it’s possible that your back tires may still have traction. Braking can help slow the vehicle somewhat, making a controlled correction more manageable or reducing the severity of an accident in the worst case scenario. Hitting the brakes shifts the vehicle's weight back over the front wheels. The resulting increase in friction will help restore traction. If you’re in an automobile that doesn’t have anti-lock brakes, pump the brakes slowly and rhythmically to keep them from locking up.

Point the wheels in your intended travel direction. Follow the road as best you can while you attempt to slow the vehicle. This will be easier if you keep your eyes fixed straight ahead of you and use your peripheral vision to spot your course. Keep in mind that most front wheel skid accidents tend to take place as you’re entering a curve, which means that steering the vehicle in any other direction could prove disastrous. In the event that you vehicle leaves the road, your safest option is to identify and aim for the nearest open space (a flat patch of grass, open shoulder, or vacant lane will typically be best). The same advice will apply to loss of traction on a motorcycle—the rest of the bike will follow in line with the front wheel.

Hold the wheel steady. Since plowing is the result of a loss of traction in the front wheels, attempting to turn out of the skid is useless. Glue your hands to the steering wheel, but don’t be tempted to change direction—not only will it not make a difference, it will actually leave you vulnerable to another skid after you regain control. Unless there’s an obstacle in your path, you should never turn the wheel more than a few degrees in either direction while correcting a front wheel skid.

Drive away in a controlled manner. Go slow and straight, being careful not to make big, jerky movements with the steering wheel. Speed up only after you’re sure you’ve regained traction completely. Even then, it will be wise to stay on the slow side, just to be cautious. Watch out for other parts of the road that might pose a problem until you reach your destination. If you end up in a precarious position, such as the edge of an embankment, it may be safer to bring the vehicle to a complete stop and set the emergency brake rather than continue driving.

Preventing a Skid

Slow down before you enter a turn. Begin applying your brakes in advance to give yourself plenty of time to take the turn in a smooth, controlled fashion. This is especially important on sharp curves or winding roads with standing water or snow. If you wait until you’re already in the turn to drop to a safer speed, it will be too late. Reducing your speed by as little as 5 or 10 mph (8 or 20 km/h) can significantly cut down on the distance it takes you to stop in the event of a skid. To minimize the possibility of hydroplaning in heavy rain, try to keep your tires in the tracks of the vehicle in front of you.

Drive carefully. When you’re faced with inclement weather or hazardous road conditions, always adjust your driving habits accordingly. Learn to identify spots that might cause trouble, such as snow banks, puddles, or patches of black ice. Keep a safe distance between you and the vehicle in front of you, and, above all, pay attention. A good rule of thumb when braving the roads in rain or snow is to drive at about a third of the speed you would under normal conditions. The best way to deal with a loss of traction is to avoid one in the first place.

Keep your vehicle in good condition. Bad weather isn’t the only potential cause of skids—operating an old or worn out vehicle can also increase your risk of a spinout. Before setting out, make sure your tires are properly inflated and have enough tread to maintain their grip on the road. It’s also a good idea to keep an eye on your brakes and replace them when their performance begins to suffer. To test the depth of your tires’ tread, stick a quarter into the grooves. If the tread doesn’t cover the top of Washington's head, you're probably due for a new set. Spring for a new set of brakes when they begin to squeal or feel squishy underfoot

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