How to Study when You Have Multiple Tests
How to Study when You Have Multiple Tests
You may feel like you can easily study for one test, but might be overwhelmed if you have multiple tests assigned for one day or week. Studying for multiple exams definitely requires some extra preparation. Before you begin studying for any of the tests, you'll need to create a study schedule to follow. Once you know when to study, you can focus on how to study for multiple tests.

Creating a Study Schedule

Refer to your syllabus. You should have a syllabus for each of your classes. Write down every exam date for each of your classes in a day planner or organizer. You should also make a note of how much the exam is worth to the overall course. For example, an entry in your planner might say: History exam #2, worth 20% of the course. If you can't find your syllabus, check the course website or ask the instructor for another copy.

Rank the tests by importance. Look at your planner to see the day or week that you have multiple tests. Since the exams will most likely be worth different amounts for each course, you should rank the tests by the most important to least important. For example, your list may look like this: Biology test: worth 30% History test: worth 20% Algebra test: worth 15%

Consider your course grade needs. Once you've ranked the exams by importance, determine if you'd like to spend more time studying for the most important exam. If your course grades are all around the same grade, you may want to do this. But if you have a poor course grade for the test that is worth the least, you may want to study more for this exam to boost your overall course grade. For example, if you currently have an A in biology, but have a C- in algebra, you may want to spend more time studying for your math test.

Consider studying in order of the test dates. You could also choose to study by the test date. This is a good option if you have multiple tests spread throughout the week. If you do this, ensure that you plan to study at least a week or two before the exams. Your schedule might look something like this for the week before the exams: Monday: study for next Monday's history test Wednesday: study for next Wednesday's biology test Thursday: study for next Thursday's algebra test

Set aside specific study times. After you've decided how you're going to study, schedule exact study times and write them in your day planner or organizer. Be as specific as you can with the schedule. For example, instead of just writing, "Study on Tuesday," you could note, "Study for biology test on Tuesday from 1 to 1:30." Being specific with your schedule will help you feel organized and prevent you from wasting valuable study time. You can create your study schedule digitally or on paper—choose whichever option best motivates you. Reader Poll: We asked 399 wikiHow readers and 61% agreed that their preferred way to organize studying time is by making paper revision timetables. [Take Poll]

Using Good Study Skills

Consider your study style. Seriously think about how effective your study habits are. Write down a list of things you struggle with when studying for exams. Make changes in your study habits to address these concerns. For example, if you find it hard to concentrate while studying, try studying in a completely quiet place. Or if you find that you need light background noise, consider playing soft music while you study. Do as much as you can to improve your study habits before you begin studying. This way, valuable time will be spent actually studying.

Review your study guides and test directions thoroughly. If you received study guides or specific instructions from your teachers for your tests, make sure you refer to them while you're studying. They'll give you a good idea of what you can expect on your tests, so you don't have to spend time studying unnecessary information. Use your guides and directions as check lists so you can be confident you're reviewing the right material.

Study early and often. Cramming, studying for an extended period of time right before the exam, is one of the worst ways to study for a test. You may remember the information for a short period of time, but if you're studying for multiple tests, you're just likely to scramble or forget critical information. Instead, study for short periods of time (about 45 minutes) and study frequently in the weeks leading up to the exam. Short and frequent study sessions helps you recall and relearn information so you're more likely to remember it in the long term.

Avoid cramming the day of the exam. If you've prepared for your exams ahead of time, you should be ready to take them. But if you wait until the last minute to study for your exams, you won't actually learn the material you need to know and you'll increase your anxiety. Try to relax on the day of the test(s) so you can recall the information you need. To make you feel at ease before the exam, ensure that you eat a healthy meal and get plenty of sleep the night before. This will help you pay attention to the exam and not just how you're feeling.

Chunk your study sessions. You may find it easier to study several smaller themes for a single exam rather than all of the exam material at once. Breaking the material up into chunks can keep you interested and focused while you're studying. You're also less likely to feel overwhelmed and stop studying. For example, if you're studying for a foreign language exam, you could do separate study sessions for speaking practice, written practice, and reading practice.

Consider studying in different locations. Studies have shown that using the same study spot won't help you remember the material over the long term. Instead, challenge yourself to recall and retain information by studying in different places. While you don't need to study each subject in a different spot, you should change your study spot every day. This can help you recall course material on test day. Similarly, if you always need complete silence to study or think about the course, try having a study group that meets in a noisier place. For example, join a study group that meets in the student commons or cafeteria. This may challenge you to focus and recall information.

Try studying with your classmates. It can be helpful to have people who are taking the same tests as you around while you're studying. Ask your classmates questions about the material you're confused about, and try quizzing each other so you know you're on the right track. If you missed a day of class, ask to borrow a classmate's notes so you can get caught up on the material. Don't be afraid to explain a complex topic to someone — teaching the material to someone else will help you understand it better before your test.

Juggling Multiple Exams

Keep your test information straight. You might feel as though you've got a lot of information to keep track of, but it is starting to become scrambled. This is a sign that you should step back from studying. To keep your information straight, avoid studying for a different test right before you take another test. For example, don't study for the British history test that you're worried about right before you take your Western Civilization exam. You might find that you are recalling information for the wrong course and can't remember the information you need.

Focus on one exam at a time. It's easy to feel overwhelmed by multiple tests. Remind yourself that once you finish the first exam, you only need to focus on a few more. If your tests are on different days, focus completely on that subject for the day. This will help you give attention to each exam. Once you've finished the exam, you can shift your attention to the next important test. If your tests are on the same day, try to schedule a little bit of a break. Focus on the first exam, take a break, and then complete your other exam(s).

Alternate subjects when you study. If you have two or three tests, you might feel like you can't take a break from studying for something. Treat studying for different subjects as breaks. For example, you could study history for 45 minutes and then switch to studying algebra for 30 minutes. This will shift your mental focus and help you spend your study time more effectively. To give yourself the biggest mental break, you may want to alternate studying for a challenging subject with one that's easier for you.

Consider taking a bye. If you have 2 or 3 exams or finals scheduled for the same day, talk to one of your professors about arranging an alternate test date. While few instructors may agree to doing this for exams during the semester, your school might have a policy about offering a bye during finals week. To find out your school's policy, check the handbook, ask your advisor, or check with the academic office.

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