How to Treat Sore Eyes in Gerbils
How to Treat Sore Eyes in Gerbils
Gerbils are prone to eye issues that can cause redness, irritation, and discharge in or around their eyes. To treat your gerbil's eye issue, start by getting a diagnosis from your vet. You can also adjust its cage and diet to help treat the eye problem.

Bringing the Gerbil to the Vet

Allow the vet to do a physical exam on your gerbil. The vet will look at your gerbil’s eyes closely. They may clean and sterilize the area during the exam. If the gerbil has sores or wounds around its eyes, the vet may take a sample of its sore for testing to determine the cause.

Discuss your gerbil’s medical history. They may also ask you about the gerbil’s medical history and whether it has a history of eye issues. They may ask you to describe when you first noticed the gerbil’s sore eyes and how its symptoms have progressed.

Get a diagnosis from your vet. There are many causes of sore eyes in gerbils, including gland issues due to stress, infections, ulcers, or a foreign body (such as bedding) stuck in their eye. Your vet will be able to tell you the cause of your gerbil’s sore eyes once it has been examined.

Determine the appropriate treatment. Depending on your gerbil’s diagnosis, your vet may recommend antibiotic eye drops or ointment that you apply to the area several times a day. The vet may also try to remove any irritants or obstructions in your gerbil’s eye to reduce the swelling and irritation. The vet may suggest dietary changes and changes to the gerbil’s cage to help address issues such as stress or poor hygiene.

Ask the vet to show you how to give your gerbil its medication. If you have to give the gerbil medicated eye drops, ask the vet to show you the best way to do this. Wrapping the gerbil in a towel, with its head exposed, may help it stay still. Ask a friend to tilt the gerbil’s head back as you use your fingers to gently open its eyelids and drop in the eye drops. When you give the gerbil its eye drops, do not touch its eyes with the dropper. Follow the dosage instructions given to you by your vet for the eye drops.

Adjusting the Gerbil’s Cage and Diet

Limit the number of gerbils in the cage. Try to keep the affect gerbil in a separate cage or area from other gerbils and pets. Overcrowding the gerbil’s cage can make it more stressed and anxious, which will make its medical condition worse. It may be a good idea to keep the affected gerbil in its own cage until it recovers from its sore eyes.

Keep the cage at 50% humidity. Gerbils do not do well in a cage with high humidity, as this can lead to high stress for them. Keep the gerbil’s cage at 50% humidity so it’s eyes are not irritated and it can recover well. Make sure the cage is in an area that is at room temperature, out of direct sunlight. Use a humidifier to ensure the area is at 50% humidity.

Feed your gerbil a healthy diet. Gerbils can develop sore eyes due to a lack of nutrients in their diet. Make sure your gerbil is getting pet pellets that contain 18-20% protein as well as green vegetables, fruits, and bulb seeds. Do not feed your gerbil too many sunflower seeds or table scraps, as this can cause nutritional issues. Talk to your vet about what types of dietary changes you can make so your gerbil’s sore eyes do not get worse.

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