How to Winterize a Perennial Hibiscus
How to Winterize a Perennial Hibiscus
Winterizing hardy hibiscus plants is quite easy to do, as these plants can stay outdoors year-round, with only the slightest bit of care. However, tropical hibiscuses should be brought indoors in all but the warmest sections of the country. This article will explain just how to winterize both hardy and tropical varieties of hibiscus.

Winterizing Ground-Planted Hibiscus

Identify whether the hibiscus plant is tropical or hardy. Before you make plans to winterize your hibiscus, it's important to identify whether it is a hardy or tropical variety. Hardy varieties can survive the winter outdoors in zones higher than 5(see tips for more info), but tropical varieties will need to be transplanted to a container and moved indoors once temperatures drop below 50 °F (10 °C). Tropical varieties typically have dark, glossy leaves and smaller flowers. Their flowers are more likely to be bi-colored, but some solid color varieties do exist. Temperatures below 25 °F (−4 °C) will prove fatal to these plants. Hardy hibiscuses have rougher, duller leaves and huge blossoms. They are more resistant to cold temperatures than their tropical contemporaries.

Feed the hibiscus with a potassium fertilizer in late fall/early winter. Feed the hibiscus plant with a potassium fertilizer in October or November to encourage profuse blooming the following year. Do not give it a nitrogen at this time - nitrogen will encourage new leafy growth that will only be damaged by cold weather or lost during the winter.

Care for the hibiscus plant throughout the fall months. Water the hibiscus generously once every week or two if it does not rain. Clear any fallen leaves and other debris away from the stems to help prevent disease. These few extra steps in the fall will help them rebound in the spring to return with a flourish of lush green foliage and beautiful flowers. Once you have mulched the soil you will no longer have to perform these actions.

Apply a heavy layer of mulch to the soil around the plant. Heavy layers of mulch will protect the hibiscuses from any unexpected dips in temperature. Adding a layer of compost under the mulch may also help protect these plants. Spread a 2- to 3-inch depth of organic mulch over the root zone but keep the mulch a few inches away from the stems. If it already has mulch around it, loosen the mulch with a rake and add new mulch, if necessary, to bring the total depth up to 2 to 3 inches (5.1 to 7.6 cm).

Protect the hibiscus plants from frost. The effects of freezing temperatures can be somewhat negated by using frost cloths. Areas that don't get a lot of frost can protect plants during uncharacteristically cold winters by using Christmas tree lights strung over the plant and plugged into the nearest outlet. These lights can be utilized in conjunction underneath frost cloths or they can be used on their own.

Transplant tropical hibiscus into pots. If your tropical hibiscus is planted in the ground, you will need to transfer it to a large container so it can be overwintered indoors. Use houseplant potting soil when replanting, rather than garden soil. To dig up the hibiscus, push the shovel into the soil 6 to 8 inches (15.2 to 20.3 cm) away from the stems, all the way around the hibiscus to sever the root. Then lift it with the tip of the shovel.

Preparing Container-Grown Hibiscus for Winter

Check the container-grown hibiscus for any signs of infestation. Gardeners should carefully check their container-grown hibiscuses for any sign of insects a few days before temperatures are due to start dropping. If harmful insects are noted, gardeners should apply a suitable pesticide. This is best done a few days before bringing the hibiscus indoors, especially if one has family members that are prone to allergies.

Rinse the plant before bringing it indoors. It's a good idea to rinse the plants off a few times before bringing them indoors. This helps get rid of any bugs that may be lurking in the foliage as well as any dirt or pollen that might still be on the leaves. Wiping down the container that the hibiscus is in with a damp rag will also help to reduce the amount of dirt and allergens that are brought inside.

Fertilize the plant. Adding a time-released fertilizer such as Osmocote to the plant before bringing it indoors can be helpful, because hibiscuses that are fertilized regularly will return more quickly in the spring.

Prune the hibiscus plant to make it more manageable. Plants that have gotten too large may need to be pruned before the winter Hibiscuses are generally tolerant of heavy pruning so clipping them into shape shouldn't cause any problems. Since hibiscuses bloom on new stem growth, fall pruning will help them bloom more profusely the following spring and summer. To get even more flowers, pinch the tips of the new stems after they get to about 8 inches (20.3 cm) long, and again when they reach 1 foot (0.3 m) long. Pinching will cause more branching, resulting in an abundance of new stems and flowers.

Caring for Hibiscus Indoors

Look up care instructions for your specific variety of hibiscus. Once indoors for the winter, the hibiscus will still need proper care if it is to survive the long months ahead. Gardeners are advised to look up the plant that they have and treat it accordingly rather than make general assumptions. However, if the plant tag is lost or if the plant was a gift from friends, this article will provide some tips that apply to most hibiscuses.

Provide the hibiscus with warmth and/or light. Hibiscuses need both warmth and light to flourish indoors, but will take the warmth over the light if they must. Ideally, these plants should be placed beside a window in the toastiest possible location. Plants that spend their winters in a room with no windows or in one that has low lighting will benefit from having their own lamp. However, gardeners should take care to keep the device far enough away from the plants that it doesn't burn them. Hibiscuses kept in outbuildings will likely need a heater of some type to keep them warm enough to survive but even a tiny space heater will adequately serve this purpose.

Keep the temperature above 55 °F (13 °C), if possible. Tropical plants generally prefer for the temperature to remain above 55 °F (13 °C). However, cold tolerance does vary by species and gardeners will need to check their plant's specific needs.

Prevent the leaves from becoming scorched. Direct sunlight is recommended for most hibiscus species but some can take a bit less. If the leaves on the plant begin to appear browned or scorched, it might be best to move them to a situation with less light.

Make sure that the soil is kept moist. Water the hibiscus according to the individual varieties' needs. For example: In the wintertime, Chinese Hibiscuses (Hibiscus rosa-sinensis) will only need to be watered enough to keep the soil from drying out, while Mallow cultivars (Hibiscus moscheutos) will require moderate levels of moisture. Gardeners should be aware that the Mallow types do not handle drought or being overwatered very well.

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