What Is the Eighth House in Astrology?
What Is the Eighth House in Astrology?
Of all the houses in the zodiac calendar, the eighth house is the most mysterious. This section of the zodiac calendar ultimately encourages you to examine the opportunities for growth and transformation that might be lurking beneath the surface. Whether those changes are big or small, the eighth house is here to help you become the best version of yourself. Read on for some background information on the eighth house and what it ultimately represents in your life.

What does the eighth house represent?

Transformation. The eighth house is often associated with birth, death, and rebirth. These transformative processes can be taken literally, as in an actual birth or death, but they can also be interpreted metaphorically (i.e. leaving the past behind and starting over). This process may be a little painful, but the eighth house and its lessons encourage you to reflect, let go, and transform yourself for the better. Even smaller transformations can be connected to the eighth house, like revamping your style or ending a relationship that's not serving you anymore.

Sex and deep connections. The eighth house represents the transformative nature of sexual experiences and connections with other people. One way to look at this is through the French expression for orgasm, "la petite mort." This translates to "the little death," and describes the temporary loss of self you might experience when you give yourself completely to another person. After, you may find yourself transformed thanks to their influence in your life.

Taxes, debt, and money that is given away or given to you. The eighth house also symbolizes the shared assets or financial burdens that may be influencing your life. These can transform your life (like receiving financial support or inheriting money), but also limit it (like owing someone money, paying someone alimony, or paying your taxes).

Mystery and the occult. Death is often referred to as one of life's biggest mysteries, so it makes sense that the eighth house would also represent the unknown. The eighth house calls people to examine what's going on underneath the surface, like repressed memories from your past or complex questions that have no easy answer. Since the eighth house is connected to mystery and the unknown, it also relates to spiritual rituals and practices. Both can help you make sense of life's more complex questions.

What rules the eighth house of astrology?

Mars. Mars is the planet of war, passion, and determination. It represents what you fight for in life and how you defend yourself. It also connects to your sex life and how you express your physical desires. Mars' influence on the eighth house can be found in how you end your relationships, the way in which you fight for your future, and who and what you desire.

Pluto. This planet is associated with Hades, the God of the Underworld. Though that may not sound positive, it really just speaks to what's underneath the surface. Pluto influences the eighth house by encouraging you to delve deep into your psyche and examine some difficult truths. What is holding you back that you might leave behind? Are there changes that you know you need to make? The answers may be tough, but they'll lead you to become the best version of yourself.

Scorpio. Scorpio is ruled by Pluto and Mars and is the eighth sign of the zodiac, making it associated with the eighth house. The sign of Scorpio is preoccupied with the taboo and mysterious side of life. Those with Scorpio in their chart may have a strong sense of intuition and connection to the truth, even when it's painful. The eighth house and its Scorpio leanings encourage you to take an unflinching look at what you may be afraid of in order to transform.

How can I find out how the eighth house affects me?

The eighth house's influence depends on its location in your chart. If you're not sure where the eighth house is located in your chart, visit sites like https://cafeastrology.com/free-natal-chart-report.html and https://horoscopes.astro-seek.com/birth-chart-horoscope-online for a free birth chart reading. Enter your birth day, the city you were born in, and your exact birth time to get an accurate reading. You might not know your exact birth time. That's okay! Both charts give you the option to opt out of providing it. This might make your chart a little less accurate than it could be, though. If you're interested in getting a more personal reading, you might try working with a professional astrologer. Look online or get a referral from a friend to find an astrologer in your area.

What are the houses in astrology?

The houses of astrology refer to the 12 sections of the zodiac calendar. The zodiac calendar is shaped like a wheel that is divided into 12 sections. These sections represent the houses of the zodiac, and each house relates to a different element of life (e.g. the eleventh house of friendships). Every house is ruled by a specific sign and set of planets depending on its placement on the wheel. Where each house is located in your specific birth chart depends on the date and time in which you were born.

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