How To
How to Politely Tell Your Parents You Don't Like Your Christmas Present
Christmas for many people is about giving, not receiving, but, if you happen to be given a gift you didn't like, you may be at a loss as to what to do. This article explains how you can tell your parents you don't like your Christmas present, if this is s...
How to Breed Rats
Rats will breed and produce many offspring if left to their own devices, but it is better to breed rats in a controlled way to prevent a rat population explosion. If you are committed to starting a responsible breeding program, then there are several thin...
How to Gut Load Locusts and Crickets
Reptiles such as bearded dragons, chameleons, and geckos are increasingly popular as pets. However, keeping them in optimal health requires a knowledgeable owner who has researched the ideal temperature range in the vivarium, safe substrates, and the cor...
How to Prove Parental Alienation Syndrome
When parents divorce, harsh feelings and resentment can lead to parental alienation, in which one parent engages in emotionally manipulative tactics to convince the child that the other parent is a bad person who doesn't love or care about the child. Ofte...
How to Get a Restraining Order in Missouri
If you live in Missouri and are being stalked or abused, you can get a judge to issue a restraining order that forbids that person from contacting you or coming near your home, school, or place of work. You can get a temporary, or ex parte, order immediat...
How to Configure a Network on Cisco Packet Tracer
Cisco Packet Tracer is a network simulation program that gives students the opportunity to experiment and learn the different behaviors of networks and ask “what if” questions. It is also a vital part of the Networking Academy learning experience. The Pa...
How to Use Cheats in Fallout 4 (PC)
If you're playing Fallout 4 on a PC, you can use some cheat codes to give yourself an edge. Start with step 1 to learn the cheat codes in Fallout 4, as well as what they do.
How to Be an Effective Altruist
Effective altruism is a philosophy that encourages people to make doing the most good they can one of their important goals in life. Effective altruists make educated, logical decisions about which charities to support. While many people donate to char...
How to Make Tooth Powder
Many of the key ingredients in toothpaste can be purchased in stores and mixed together to make a homemade tooth powder. Making your own tooth powder is easy and the results may even improve the health of your teeth. Keep in mind that any homemade tooth p...
How to Put on a Cat Harness
Are you considering putting a harness on your cat? Perhaps you want to walk the cat outdoors, or maybe you need to travel with the cat and are scared it might escape. Whatever the reason, a harness is a great option, as a cat will have a much harder time...
How to Get Ripped After 40
Many people define the term 'ripped' differently. Think of it as being lean, muscular, and proportionate. This article is aimed beginners at beginners over 40. If you are sitting at your computer, thinking "I am too old to get a model body," or" I am not...
How to Write a Parole Letter
The purpose of a parole letter is to inform the parole board why an offender should be given parole and let out of prison. Parole letters are most often written by the offender, as well as by people who know the offender and support his or her release. Th...
How to Replace a Serpentine Belt
The serpentine belt in most modern vehicles transfers power from the crank pulley to the various accessories mounted on the engine. A worn or damaged serpentine belt can fail to adequately transfer the power, leaving your alternator, power steering, and...
How to Report Fraud to the FBI
While you should report any fraud you witness or personally experience to your local law enforcement agency, you also may want to file a tip or report with the FBI and other federal agencies. The FBI has investigative authority over a variety of federal c...
How to Take Vitamin D3
Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin produced in the body when sunlight is exposed to your skin. You can also get vitamin D naturally in food or take it as a supplement. The easiest and most efficient way to get vitamin D is through sunlight, but if you are...
How to Use Tucks Pads for Hemorrhoids
Traditional treatments for hemorrhoids include using an astringent to help reduce swelling. Reducing swelling can help with pain and discomfort as well. The main ingredient in TUCKS® medicated pads is witch hazel, which is an herbal astringent. Before us...