How To
How to Use NBTexplorer to Edit Minecraft Saves
Have you ever been glitched into the void on a minecraft survival world? Maybe a creeper walked up and blew up your house? Or maybe you chose the wrong game mode for your new world? These problems can all be solved very easily with NBTexplorer. NBTexpl...
How to Grow Lotus Flower
Sacred to Hindus and Buddhists, the Lotus is the national flower of India. This hardy aquatic plant is native to southern Asia and Australia, but they can be grown in nearly any temperate climate under the right conditions. You can grow lotus from seeds o...
How to Catch the Musketeer Trio in Pokémon Black or White
Not all of us can catch Legendary Pokémon. With newly added Legendary trios in games proving harder to catch than your average cover Legendary, here is how to catch the coolest Pokémon trio around - Cobalion, Terrakion and Virizion!
How to Use Juice from Canned Fruit
If you cringe every time you have to waste the juice from canned fruit by pouring it down the drain, consider finding ways to use it in the kitchen. This juice can be added to other liquids to add dimension to your beverages, or it can be substituted for...
How to Make Olive Juice
Olives offer a range of health benefits. They contain healthy fatty acids, like oleic acid, and provide worthwhile levels of zinc, vitamin e, and antioxidant phytonutrients. Olive juice provides you with the same health benefits, but it does contain a hig...
How To Create and Manage a Successful YouTube Account
This wikiHow teaches you how to structure your YouTube account and behavior for success. While your definition of success may vary, you can generally achieve YouTube success by streamlining your content, following specific guidelines for your videos, uplo...
How to Shelve Books in a Library
If you are thinking of volunteering or getting a job at a library, you will need to know how to shelve the library books. All library books in all libraries are shelved according to either the Dewey Decimal System or the Library of Congress Classification...
How to Become Sexually Confident (for Women)
Sexual confidence comes from within, and learning to develop your confidence can take a lot of work. You may have poor sexual confidence due to poor body image or lack of sexual experience. However, confidence is critical to taking your sexuality to new l...
How to Lighten Your Hair Dye With Vitamin C
You've dyed your hair and realized it has come out way too dark for your liking. Rather than panic, you can apply Vitamin C to your locks to lighten up the color! This method is safe for all hair types and should not result in hair damage. By applying a m...
How to Recover Emotionally After a Rape
Sexual assault is a traumatic experience. Recovering from trauma takes time. It goes quicker with support, so rally your loved ones. Ask them to help you through the worst moments. Make dates with the people you love so you can create some good moments as...
How to Deal With Loved Ones Who Refuse to Change
When faced with a scenario in which someone you love is decidedly “set in their ways,” you have a decision to make. You can simply accept them as they are, or you can act to improve your ability to communicate, connect, and grow with your loved one. Whe...
How to Change the Pointer Speed in Android
For Android devices that have a trackball or that allow you to use a mouse, pointer speed is important. You can fix the pointer speed to be what you want with internal controls.
How to Put Tissue Paper in a Gift Bag
Using gift bags, tissue paper and ribbons can make gift giving fun and colorful. Putting tissue paper into a gift bag can be a frustrating experience, resulting in torn or wrinkled paper and a messy looking gift. This article addresses methods that can he...
How to Dress Well on a Budget
Dressing well on a budget doesn’t have to be complicated. It all starts with taking stock of what you already have and “shopping your closet” for great pieces. Get rid of anything you don’t plan to wear, and focus on crafting a functional capsule wardrobe...
How to Talk to People when You're Shy
There's nothing bad about shyness, but it just doesn't help much in having many friends. Rather than being lonely and friendless, follow these steps to put yourself out there, talk and make friends.
How to Make Soursop Juice
The soursop is a tree fruit native to the Caribbean, Central America, northern South America, and sub-Saharan Africa.[1] X Research source It tastes like a combination of strawberry and pineapple, with a hint of creaminess and sour citrus. S...