How To
How to Cook Baked Chicken
Baked chicken is a tasty, healthy dish that will soon become a staple in your weekly meal plan. You can bake any part of the chicken -- breasts, thighs, legs and wings -- using the same method. What's more -- you can flavor the chicken with any combinatio...
How to Grow Tulips in Pots
Tulips make for a beautiful indoor or outdoor potted plant that can bloom yearly if planted and cared for correctly. To grow tulips in pots, you’ll need the right pot, soil, and approach. Because tulips need to be dormant for 12-16 weeks before they can b...
How to Accept That He’s Not Into You
Sometimes, you have to accept that the guy you like doesn't feel the same way. When you're wondering, Why isn't he calling? or Why doesn't he care?, it's time to move on to some other fish in the sea—there are plenty of them. But we know how painful that...
How to Tell if a Boy Loves You
Sometimes one of the most difficult aspects of starting a new relationship is knowing whether a potential partner is interested in you. Boys seem especially difficult to read, and determining their level of interest can be challenging. A bit of sleuthin...
How to Add Admin Commands to Your Roblox Place
This wikiHow teaches you how to add Admin Commands to your Roblox place. To do this, you will need a computer and Roblox account.
How to Deal With a Copycat Friend
Many people say that copying is the sincerest form of flattery, but if you don’t agree with that saying, then a copycat can seriously frustrate you. If you’ve got a copycat friend, this could be a serious problem. Not only is she potentially harming your...
How to Cope With Having a Dog Put Down
Having your dog put down can be a difficult and heart-breaking decision. Discuss with your veterinarian about the treatment options available, the costs involved, and their impact to your dog's quality of life. Coping with putting your dog down can be s...
How to Calculate Kilowatts Used by Light Bulbs
Ever wonder how much that light bulb is costing you? Is it really worth switching to LED bulbs? All you need to find out is the bulb's wattage and the cost of electricity in your building. Replacing your incandescent bulbs with energy-efficient options ty...
How to Pick Your Sim's Career Using Cheats in The Sims 3
Hi! This is How To Force a Career of Your Choice on Sims 3 PC. (Including cheats)
How to Decongest Your Nose
Nasal congestion or a “stuffy nose” occurs when our nasal tissues and blood vessels become swollen with fluid (mucus). The most common symptom of nasal congestion is nasal discharge or a “runny nose.” There are many potential causes of nasal congestion, i...
How to Clean Playstation Games
To clean the dust, oil, and smudges from your PlayStation game, gently wipe the shiny side of the disc with a soft cloth using straight strokes. For the more stubborn spots, dampen the cloth a little and concentrate on only the soiled area. Cleaning your...
How to Accent Trees With Outdoor Lighting
Outdoor lighting can make your home feel more welcoming, improve security, and beautify your landscaping. There are several different techniques that can create dramatic or welcoming atmospheres. Uplighting will cast a warm glow and highlight the intricac...
How to Download a Movie and Burn It to a DVD
This wikiHow teaches you how to burn a downloaded movie file onto a DVD. You can do this on both Windows and Mac computers. Before downloading a movie, make sure that you aren't breaking any anti-piracy laws by doing so.
How to Plant Begonia Bulbs
Tuberous begonias produce beautiful rose-like flowers in a variety of colors. They are started from tubers, which many refer to as bulbs, and should be planted in early spring. Gardeners love begonias because unlike most other flowering plants, they prefe...
How to Teach Downhill Beginner Skiing
Teaching beginner skiing is a fun activity whether it's a job or you're teaching a friend or relative!
How to Clean Vintage Stereo Equipment: Step-by-Step Guide
Buying vintage stereo equipment is a hobby that can quickly become an obsessive and overwhelming collection. The look, feel, and tone of vintage audio components have a unique charm, which often rivals newer models in quality. Unfortunately, old and negle...