22 Health Workers in Kolkata Hospital Placed under Quarantine after 2 Patients Test Positive for COVID-19
22 Health Workers in Kolkata Hospital Placed under Quarantine after 2 Patients Test Positive for COVID-19
So far, 122 people have tested positive for COVID-19 in Bengal -- of them 95 are active cases. Five people have succumbed to the disease.

At least 22 health workers of state-run RG Kar Medical College and Hospital have been placed under quarantine, after two patients admitted there tested positive for COVID-19, a health department official said.

Swabs samples of each of them have been collected and sent for examination, he said on Sunday.

Two wards of the north Kolkata hospital -- male medicine and cardiology -- where the patients were admitted, before one of them died, have been disinfected, the official said.

The other patient has been shifted Beliaghata ID hospital in east Kolkata.

Meanwhile, a two-day drive to disinfect the state secretariat in the adjoining Howrah district began on Sunday, government sources said.

The multi-storey building, which houses the chief minister's office and several other important departments of the state government, will be sanitised, as part of the efforts to combat COVID-19, they said.

So far, 122 people have tested positive for COVID-19 in Bengal -- of them 95 are active cases. Five people have succumbed to the disease.

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