Accidentally porn! Hot on web trail
Accidentally porn! Hot on web trail
The latest trends in browsing the Net show just how much men and women differ in their preferences for websites.

New Delhi: Oops! I opened a porn site in office by mistake. Caught, but not quite!

One out of six men in the US has confessed that he has hit upon porn while using the Internet at work whereas six per cent have admitted that they'd intentionally ended up on a smut site.

These are the findings of a poll released on Tuesday, TechWeb News reports.

The survey was done by Harris Interactive for Websense, a security company based in San Diego, California.

It revealed that 16 per cent of men and eight per cent of women, who access the web from work, have visited pornographic sites during office hours.

But interestingly, most of those surveyed have claimed that those 'visits' were accidental (94 per cent men, and 95 per cent women).

Among other surfing trends in both the sexes, it seems more men visit sports and investment sites (42 and 39 per cent respectively) while at work than women (18 and 20 per cent respectively).

Women, on the other hand, seem keener on travel and shopping-oriented sites (60 and 53 per cent) than men (52 and 43 per cent).

There were no surprises as far as asking for help goes. The survey indicated that women were more than twice as likely to call the IT department for help if their computer was infected by spyware than were men (64 versus 30 per cent).

Overall, the results showed while men spend 2.3 hours a week browsing non-work-related websites, women owned up to just 1.5 hours each week.

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