All in mind, "sex chip" to stimulate brain centers
All in mind, "sex chip"  to stimulate brain centers
'Sex chip,' which could produce a pleasure as intense and thrilling as a "delicious pastry."

London: Sex and lust will never be the same again, thanks to a wondrous 'sex chip,' which could produce a pleasure as intense and thrilling as a "delicious pastry."

Scientists are designing a 'sex chip' that will be able to enrich sex vastly by tickling pleasure centres in the brain, according to reports.

A few years ago, a similar device implanted in the brain of a woman with a low sex drive, turned her into a sexually voracious woman, informed Tipu Aziz, neurosurgery professor at the John Radcliffe hospital in Oxford.

But the sudden change was not to her liking and so the wiring in her head had to be removed, added Aziz.

The idea of such a chip has been spurred by the progress made in deep brain stimulation, with the help of implanted electrodes, used in the treatment of Parkinson's.

The area of the brain that is engaging the scientists is orbit frontal cortex -- linked with pleasure derived from eating and sex. It lies just behind the eyes.

Morten Kringelbach, of Oxford University's psychiatry department, had surveyed people who suffered from anhedonia. They could not experience pleasure from such activities. The orbitofrontal cortex could be a "new stimulation target" to help them.

Stimulating this area can produce pleasure as intense as "devouring a delicious pastry," he said.

Aziz was hopeful of a breakthrough that would make 'sex chip' a possibility within 10 years. "There is evidence that this chip will work," he added.

Unlike current procedures, which Aziz described as "intrusive and crude," that relies on a wire from a pacemaker in one's chest to the brain, he hoped emerging technology will allow wireless and self-powered brain chips.

These findings were published in the Nature Reviews Neuroscience journal.

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