Is it mandatory to file returns online?
Is it mandatory to file returns online?
BANGALORE: E-filing of return notification mentions that the dealer may submit online monthly/quarterly return. It is not mandator..

BANGALORE: E-filing of return notification mentions that the dealer may submit online monthly/quarterly return. It is not mandatory to file returns online? However, the department does not accept manual returns. Can you issue a circular to clarify the position?The dealers are encouraged by the department to file returns online in their own interest. The intention is to avoid frequent visits of the dealers to the officers and to facilitate easy filing of returns.There are allegations that the department is steeped in corrupt practices. What are the administrative reforms you plan to undertake to curb such corrupt practices?Department is taking measures to increase transparency in administration and simplicity in procedures. In this direction, it has introduced following measures: E-filing of returns, E-payment of taxes, E-Sugam for movement of goods, E-Suvega for transit passes, Online issue of C forms and online receipt of C form, Online registration, Online capturing of purchase and sales details, E-Prerana - an online enrolment, registration, filing of return and payment of tax under the KTPTC and E-Act. These measures have reduced frequency of visits by the dealers to the offices, they have eliminated delay in providing services and also reduced the interface between officers and officials of the department and the dealers. Tax administration has become more objective and transparent. Furthermore, any suggestions in this regard are welcome.Are there any specific training schedule which takes care of the training of assessing or appellate authorities? If yes, what is the estimated hours of training imparted to such officers in a year.It is planned that every officer, officials in the department undergoes at least a week’s training in a year in departmental and management development matters. Training is being given accordingly.  They are being given training in the administrative training institute and the district training institute. All these questions are asked by the BCIC

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