MJ funeral today
MJ funeral today
Jackson's ghost in Neverland? | Death theories | Pics: Fans gather at Neverland

London: Michael Jackson fans who try to enter the venue of the King of Pop's funeral in Los Angeles on Tuesday without a ticket will be dealt with strictly, police said on Monday.

Officials have warned fans to stay away from the star's memorial service as they can face a hard response from police if found without a ticket, reports contactmusic.com.

Los Angeles Police Department Assistant chief Jim McDonnell insisted Jackson fans will get no sympathy from officers, who fear the crowds could turn violent.

"Anybody who does not hold proper credentials, tickets to get in to the event, will not be allowed inside the security zone. So for those who are thinking about coming out and maybe getting a shot to get in, that won't happen.

"You will be standing in the hot sun on a city street with a lot of other people and you probably will not even be within eyeshot of the Staples," McDonell has been quoted as saying.

More than 1.6 million fans registered for the online ballot to attend the ceremony, to be held at Los Angeles' Staples Center. Only 17,500 were successful.

The police are now urging mourners to stay home and watch the event on television as there will be no screens erected outside the venue as was announced earlier. They even plan to cordon off the arena to make sure no one gets anywhere near the building without the requisite authorisation.

Jackson died of a cardiac arrest on June 25. He was 50.

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