The Punjab government on Sunday suspended the DGP Jails and dismissed two jail officers following the sensational jailbreak at the maximum security Nabha prison.
Chandigarh: The Punjab government on Sunday suspended the DGP Jails and dismissed two jail officers following the sensational jailbreak at the maximum security Nabha prison.
"We have suspended the DGP Jails. We have dismissed the Jail Superintendent and his deputy," Deputy Chief Minister Sukhbir SIngh Badal, also the Home Minister, told the media.
"There is nothing to worry. We will catch them. One encounter has taken place. Whosoever responsible will not be spared," Badal said.
Armed men attacked the Nabha Jail on Sunday morning and fired over 100 rounds to help dreaded Khalistan Liberation Force (KLF) chief Harminder Singh Mintoo and four dreaded gangsters to escape without any retaliation from the jail security and Punjab Police.
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