The Madhya Pradesh Chairman of Plast India Foundation's National Promotion Committee said that the consumption of plastic in different forms is increasing by an average of 10 per cent every year.
Indore: Plastic consumption in the country is likely to reach 200 lakh tonnes by 2020 on the back of growing use of different forms of the commodity.
"In 2013, the consumption of plastic in India was 120 lakh tonnes, which is expected to reach 200 lakh tonnes by 2020," Madhya Pradesh Chairman of Plast India Foundation's National Promotion Committee, Subhash Chaturvedi said.
The consumption of plastic in different forms is increasing by an average of 10 per cent every year, he said.
The Plast India 2015 Exhibition will be organised in Gandhinagar in Gujarat from February 5-10, in which nearly 2,000 representatives of plastic industry would participate and showcase their products.
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