Special Trains to Soon Run as Regular Ones With Normal Fare, Says Railways
Special Trains to Soon Run as Regular Ones With Normal Fare, Says Railways
After this decision, more than 1700 trains will start working as regular trains in the next few days.

The Indian Railways has announced that the special category trains that it ran during the Covid-19 pandemic will soon operate as regular mail and express trains with the normal fare. The announcement comes even as the number of Covid-19 cases continues to decline.

In the letter to Zonal Railway on Friday, the Railway Board said that trains will now be operated with their regular number and the fare will become normal just as before the pandemic. This means that passengers who had to pay nearly 30% extra to travel on special and holiday trains will now pay the old fare.

After this decision, more than 1700 trains will start working as regular trains in the next few days. The board has, however, underlined that the precautions and restrictions related to Covid-19 should be strictly followed in all the trains. Besides, due to Covid protocol, for now, the catering facility on the train will take some more time to resume. Apart from that, bedsheets and blankets will also be given to the passengers.

The circular also said that no extra fair will be charged on tickets being booked in advance. The Railways decision hints at things getting normal after almost a year-and-a-half of a pandemic. However, the crisis is not over yet and therefore passengers must follow all the Covid-related guidelines.

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