Think Parallel to be launched
Think Parallel to be launched
BANGALORE: The programme titled Think Parallel will be launched by Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) Bangalor..

BANGALORE: The programme titled “Think Parallel” will be launched by Centre for Development of Advanced Computing (C-DAC) Bangalore from  January 2 to 12 2012 in its Bangalore Centre.The software programming paradigm is shifting to parallel programming. This, the institute attributed mainly to the disruptive boom in the computing hardware architectures, which have become multicore. They added that this has caused a sea-change in the entire IT ecosystem. The Microprocessor (CPU) on desktop systems, laptops, even on mobiles are having multicore architectures.They further stated that while hardware has become multicore, today’s challenge is to write parallel programmes, which exploit the multicore processors, so that user applications run extremely fast. In addition to traditional graphics and animation applications almost every area such as Medical-Health care, Life Science, Earth Science is gearing up to use the many-core (100s of cores) architectures to render  real time solutions to grand challenges.Aiming to move forward on the subject, they stated that in order to do this it requires a paradigm shift in the way we think.  This will be one of the first workshops in the country to address these concerns, as several universities were now gearing up to create High Performance Computing (HPC) labs and curriculum.They added that the training programme aims to impact several areas including high quality research, solutions to grand problems in almost every sector - from scientific and socio- economic problems to high technology trained manpower and placement opportunities. Summarising the workshop, they added that it provides the beginning to a new parallel computing ecosystem , one that is very different from the current sequential and multicore environment. This programme gives complete understanding of Parallel Programming techniques and state-of-the-art systems available in India.

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