WikiLeaks Cablegate: Indo-Pak tensions a threat to stability in Saudi Arabia
WikiLeaks Cablegate: Indo-Pak tensions a threat to stability in Saudi Arabia
India-related document from the leaked US embassy cables released by whistleblowing website WikiLeaks.

Reference ID: 09RIYADH670

Created: 2009-05-17 16:04

Released: 2010-11-30 21:09

Classification: CONFIDENTIAL

Origin: Embassy Riyadh



DE RUEHRH #0670/01 1371606


O 171606Z MAY 09








C O N F I D E N T I A L RIYADH 000670


E.O. 12958: DECL: 05/17/2019




Classified By: CDA DAVID RUNDELL, 1.4(b),(d)


-- (C) Ambassador Richard Holbrooke met in Riyadh May 16 with

HRH Prince Mohammed bin Nayef (MbN), Saudi Assistant Minister

of the Interior.

-- (C) Holbrooke emphasized that Afghanistan and Pakistan

should be treated as a closely inter-related problem. He

stressed U.S. desire for stronger cooperation and a common

U.S./Saudi approach to Pakistan based on economic assistance,

encouraging cooperation between Pakistani political factions,

and transforming the Pakistani army to fight a

counterinsurgency war.

-- (C) MbN noted the Saudis viewed the Pakistan army as the

strongest element for stability in the country. In reply

Holbrooke emphasized U.S. support for Pakistan's democracy

and said the U.S. opposed a military coup. MbN said he


-- (C) MbN described Yemen as a dangerous failed state and a

growing threat to Saudi Arabia because it attracts Al-Qaeda

(AQ), said Yemeni President Saleh is losing control, and

outlined a Saudi strategy of co-opting Yemeni tribes with

assistance projects.

-- (C) MbN strongly supported President Obama's decision to

oppose release of photographs of U.S. detainee

interrogations, saying release would provide a boon to AQ,

and would be "the favor of their life."


¶2. (C) Holbrooke thanked the Prince for Saudi Arabia's $ 700

million pledge at the April 17 Pakistan donors'

conference in Japan. He said he had not come to make demands

or requests but simply to begin a consultative process. The

fact that three U.S. special envoys (Senator Mitchell, Dennis

Ross, and now Holbrooke) have visited Saudi Arabia

demonstrates the importance President Obama places on

U.S./Saudi relations and the Saudi role in the region.

Afghanistan and Pakistan were a major problem the new U.S.

administration had inherited.

¶3. (C) Success in Afghanistan was essential for U.S.

security as well as security in Europe and the Middle East,

Holbrooke continued. The U.S. might be able to live with

some degree of instability in Afghanistan, but not with an

unstable Pakistan, because of Pakistan's nuclear arms,

fragile politics, and relationship with India. He asked if

Saudi Arabia shared this conclusion. MbN said "Absolutely,"

a comment echoed precisely in Holbrooke's subsequent meetings

with King Abdullah and Foreign Minister Prince Saud al-Faisal

(septels). It's clear that Saudi Arabia has a "unique"

relationship with Pakistan, Holbrooke said. He noted that

over 800,000 Pakistanis live and work in Saudi Arabia. Saudi

Arabia was especially important to Nawaz Sharif, the most

popular politician in Pakistan. These were reasons why what

happened in Pakistan was of direct concern to both the U.S.

and Saudi Arabia.

¶4. (C) Holbrooke said the U.S. and Saudi Arabia shared a

common purpose on Pakistan but not yet a "common

collaboration." The purpose of his visit was thus to begin a

dialogue on Pakistan and seek a common policy. Neither the

U.S. nor Saudi Arabia could afford to let Pakistan fall

apart. There were three important issues to address:

-- Pakistan desperately needs economic assistance;

-- Even though the Saudis preferred Nawaz Sharif, Sharif and

Zardari need to be persuaded to work together;

-- The Pakistan army needs to restructure itself to fight

today's war against the Taliban rather than yesterday's war

against India.

If Pakistan fell apart, Holbrooke said, the consequences for

Saudi Arabia would be "unimaginable,"

especially if Pakistan's nuclear weapons fell into unfriendly

hands. ("God forbid!" interjected the Prince.)

"Under your leadership," Holbrooke told the Prince "Saudi

Arabia has defeated terror, but if Pakistan falls apart, the

result would be catastrophe."

¶5. (C) Holbrooke said the U.S. wanted to expand the

U.S./Saudi relationship concerning Pakistan. Saudi Arabia

could do a lot for Pakistan, he added, noting that economic

and social conditions in Pakistan created fertile ground for

extremism. Zardari had many faults but he was democratically

elected, so the U.S. tries to get him and Sharif to work

together. Meanwhile, Holbrooke said, money for the Taliban

flows in from the region.

¶6. (C) MbN said a vacuum in Islamabad would be dangerous.

He described Pakistan army Chief of Staff General Kayani as a

"decent man" who wanted to restore dignity to the army, and

sought consensus support of all the civilian factions. The

army was the Saudis' "winning horse," MbN said, but it needed

to prepare to fight the current war against terror.

Pakistani soldiers needed to be proud of their service, and

not hide their identity as soldiers when they were off duty,

MbN said. He had told Kayani that Pakistani troops needed to

feel they were fighting for Pakistan and not the U.S. The

Pakistani army had a "golden opportunity" because now

Pakistan faced an external enemy. MbN emphasized that the

army was Pakistan's "best bet" for stability. There were

800,000 Pakistanis and over one million Indians living in

Saudi Arabia, MbN said, and millions more visited the

Kingdom to make the Hajj pilgrimage, so anything that

happened in Pakistan, or between Pakistan and India, was a

threat to stability in Saudi Arabia.

¶7. (C) Holbrooke said he knew Kayani, with the Director of

Pakistan's intelligence service (ISI), and

General Pasha, and also Musharraf. He recalled the U.S. and

Saudi Arabia had decided to support Musharraf in

the aftermath of 9/11. This had been the right decision at

the time but Musharraf had been a disappointment. The U.S.

supported democracy in Pakistan, not any individual leader.

Holbrooke repeated that the U.S. supported Zardari because he

was elected, and emphasized that the U.S. was "100 percent

opposed" to a military coup in Pakistan. MbN assured that

Saudi Arabia would not support a coup either.

¶8. (C) He noted the U.S. agreed that corruption in Pakistan

was an issue, but the U.S. had decided it was more

important to help Pakistan. Attaching onerous conditions to

assistance was a mistake, Holbrooke said. Since the U.S. and

Saudi Arabia agreed on Pakistan's importance, the question

was how to start working together. MbN answered that

U.S./Saudi security cooperation should stay as it is, since

it had "never been better" despite past tensions. Each side

knew its own business best, and the focus should be on

obtaining results. MbN characterized Saudi cooperation with

U.S. law enforcement and intelligence agencies as "one team."

¶9. (C) Holbrooke reiterated that terrorists in Pakistan were

not under enough pressure and pressed the point that

U.S./Saudi cooperation on Pakistan needed to rise to a higher

level. MbN replied that he had asked King Abdullah

for permission to maintain a "security channel" with the U.S.

to remain open at all times to facilitate information

exchange regardless of other issues in bilateral relations.

The Prince added that the King despised the corruption he saw

in Pakistan and this colored his views toward that country.


¶10. (C) Moving to a new subject, the Prince said "We have a

problem called Yemen." AQ has found fertile ground

there, he said. The geography was similar to Afghanistan,

and many Yemenis were more sympathetic to AQ's goals than

were the Afghans. Yemen is also closer to AQ targets and

recruiting grounds in Saudi Arabia. The Saudis had detected

a pattern of individuals coming to the Kingdom for Hajj or

Umrah and then traveling south to Yemen ("it's only 400

miles," he noted) for training before returning to their home

countries. Saudi forces have arrested Egyptians and

Algerians, among others, who were attempting to do this.

¶11. (C) MbN described Yemen as a failed state that is "very,

very, extremely dangerous," and required focus. The Huthi

tribes were Takfiri and Shi'a "like Hizballah South," he

said. This was a threat forming around Saudi Arabia that

required action now. The Saudis would like Saleh to be a

strong leader, MbN said, but "his vision of Yemen has shrunk

to Sana'a," and he was losing control over the rest of the

country. Saleh's old advisors were gone and now he relied on

his son and other younger men who did not have good

connections with the Yemeni tribes. In contrast, Saudi

Arabia had good connections with the tribes, MbN said.

¶12. (C) MbN said the Saudis had established a bilateral

council with Yemen that met twice a year to consider

assistance projects. The Saudi representatives were the

Crown prince and the oil minister (Note: Crown Prince

Sultan has been incapacitated by illness for at least he past

year; it is not clear whether the bilateral council

has continued to meet in his absence.) Saudi assistance to

Yemen was not in the form of cash payments, MbN said, since

cash tended to end up in Swiss banks. Instead the Saudis

backed projects in the tribal areas of Yemen where AQ was

hiding. The idea was that when Yemenis saw the concrete

benefits of these projects they would push their leaders to

eject the extremists. Saudi Arabia was counting on this

strategy, MbN said, to persuade Yemenis to see extremists as

criminals rather than heroes. Holbrooke replied that the

U.S. understood Saudi concerns about Yemen, and would work

with the Saudis to address the problem there.


¶13. (C) Turning to another issue, MbN recalled that the day

following President Obama's inauguration, White House

counterterrorism advisor Brennan had telephoned to assure him

the new president was committed to continuing the war on

terror. "Terrorists stole the most valuable things we have,"

said the Prince. "They took our faith and our children and

used them to attack us." It had not been easy to see Saudi

involvement in 9/11 and other terrorist incidents, he said.

AQ was smart in wanting to hit both the U.S. and Saudi

Arabia. AQ's strategic goal was to hurt the U.S. and to take

control of the Holy Cities of Mecca and Medina.

¶14. (C) MbN claimed that in 2003 radicals were present in

"90 percent" of Saudi mosques. The current Saudi leadership

had decided it needed to be on the front lines of the

struggle against terrorism, that the task could not be left

to the next generation, since AQ gained momentum every time

it succeeded. The Saudis realized they could not fight back

without public support, he said, and developed a strategy of

working with families of suicide bombers and other extremists

who had been killed. This approach involved providing

support to the families and telling them their sons had been

"victims" and not "criminals." This gave the families "a way

out" and

provided a public relations advantage to the government. "If

you stop five but create fifty" new radicals, "that's dumb."

MbN said. The Saudis measure their success against extremism

by looking at levels of terrorist recruitment the number of

successful operations, and they see a growing rejection of

extremist violence. The Prince related an anecdote about an

anti-terrorist operation in which the officer commanding

Interior Ministry forces had discovered his cousin was the

leader of the terrorists inside a surrounded building. MbN

said he had offered to relieve the officer, but the latter

had refused, and had insisted on leading the attack. The

officer succeeded in defeating the terrorists while capturing

his cousin alive.

¶15. (C) Saudi Arabia was not yet free of terrorism, MbN

said. Thus it remained important to defeat the terrorists on

the ground, in the media, and ideologically. The Saudis

wanted to do this in cooperation with the U.S., the Prince

said. Time was the key, and it was "not in our favor," he

added, so "we need to work fast."

¶16. (C) On terrorist financing, MbN said "We are trying to

do our best." Saudi Arabia has millions of visitors,

especially during Hajj. The Saudis are making arrests, but

are not making this public. Instead, the Saudi goal is to

make the public aware that donations could go to the wrong

places. MbN said that "if money wants to go" to terrorist

causes, "it will go," and that terrorist attacks were

inexpensive, "but let's make it harder." Holbrooke asked

what the Saudis would do with Pakistanis in Saudi Arabia who

financed terrorism. The Prince replied the suspects would be

tried in Shari'a courts with Wahhabi judges so that the

results of the judicial process could be used to condemn

extremist ideology.


¶17. (C) Holbrooke explained that President Obama had decided

to oppose release of 2000 photographs of U.S.

interrogations of terrorist suspects on grounds of national

security, and asked what the Saudi public reaction would be

to publication of these photos. MbN responded "You bet!" it

would be bad for security, and noted that following

publication of the first Abu Ghraib photos, Saudi authorities

had arrested 250 individuals trying to leave Saudi Arabia to

join extremist groups in Afghanistan. Release of more

pictures would give AQ "the favor of their life," said the

Prince. Saudi Arabia had fought very hard to defeat AQ on

the Internet, but he couldn,t see how to fight 2000 new


¶18. (U) Meeting participants








Saudi Arabia








¶19. (U) Amb. Holbrooke cleared this telegram.


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