Woman dies during abortion, doctors held
Woman dies during abortion, doctors held
Beed district has become infamous for the worst child sex ratio in Maharashtra, as per the 2011 census.

Beed: A doctor couple has been arrested following a woman's death during an abortion; while a 28-year-old woman has been arrested in another case for

allegedly killing her day-old baby girl.

Beed district has become infamous for the worst child sex ratio in Maharashtra, as per the 2011 census. Dr Sudam Munde and Dr Sarswati Munde, the accused husband-wife, run a clinic in the Parli tehsil, police said.

According to the police, the victim woman, Vijaymala Patekar, died during abortion procedure at Munde's clinic on Friday.

As the victim's relatives got angry, the doctors themselves informed the police about the incident.

According to the police, Patekar had four daughters, and did not want another girl child.

Additional Superintendent of Police (ASP) Shrikant Dhivare said that no one from the victim's family had filed any complaint against the doctors.

Case was registered against Dr Sudam Munde and his wife for causing death by negligent act under the IPC, and also under Pre-conception and Pre-natal Diagnostic Techniques (Prevention) Act.

Incidentally, the doctor couple had been booked in another case last June, after a foetus was found on their farm. The two are facing a criminal case in this regard.

In the second case, Sushilabai Masatsing Bhitodia, 28, was arrested from Beed city on Friday for alleged female infanticide. The half-buried body of her day-old baby girl was found near Beed on May 16, and the post-mortem had revealed death by strangling.

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