How To Cope With Travel Anxiety? Check These Expert-Recommended Tips
How To Cope With Travel Anxiety? Check These Expert-Recommended Tips
Traveling to new places could be an exciting and wonderful experience for some people, while some feel like leaving their comfort zones disturbing.

Summer holidays have begun and people are excited to pack their bags and go for a short vacation with their loved ones. Traveling to new places could be an exciting and wonderful experience for some people, while a few feel the whole idea of travel and leaving their comfort zones disturbing. These people might be suffering from Travel Anxiety.

It’s a common disorder which can be caused by various factors like:

  1. Being outside your comfort zone: Feeling frightened even at the thought of leaving your home.
  2. Fear of Flying: This is the most common reason for Travel anxiety. It can be triggered by Air turbulence, fear of take-off or landing or fear of crashing.
  3. Safety Issues: Many people get concerned about safety issues in unfamiliar places.
  4. Horrifying stories: Some feel fear of visiting different places because of the disturbing stories about crime and accidents that happen to people while traveling.

But no need to worry, travel anxiety can be managed. With specific measures and steps people can overcome their anxiety and make the most of their travel experiences.

Dr Carolyn Rubenstien, a Psychologist from Boca Raton, Florida, USA in her recent Instagram post raised this issue and highlighted how one can cope with travel anxiety. “It’s worth noting that travel anxiety can differ in intensity and duration among individuals. However, with the right coping strategies, you can manage this anxiety and fully enjoy your journey,” the caption reads.

Here are the points that she recommended in her post:

  1. Research your destination and plan a general itinerary. Make this fun –create visuals that excite you, like store pictures in your digital album.
  2. Stay grounded by using your senses. Notice the sights, sounds and sensations around you to anchor yourself to the present moment.
  3. Create one place to keep track of important documents, packing lists and itinerary details. Try not to overcomplicate this.
  4. Understand it is normal to feel some level of anxiety when traveling, especially if it is outside your comfort zone.
  5. Bring along items that provide comfortable distractions, such as books, music, puzzles or games.

Travel should be fun and memorable. If you feel travel anxiety try these expert recommended steps to have a more relaxed and fulfilling journey with your loved ones.

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