Parents Who Can't Control Their Kids Named the Most Annoying Hotel Guests
Parents Who Can't Control Their Kids Named the Most Annoying Hotel Guests
Parents who let their kids run wild should know that they are considered the scourge of hotels everywhere.

Parents who let their kids run wild should know that they are considered the scourge of hotels everywhere.

According to the results of Expedia's annual Hotel Etiquette Study, America's least favorite hotel guests are bad parents who fail to rein in their noisy, troublemaker kids.

Inattentive moms and dads were cited by 72 percent of the more than 1,000 travelers polled as the most aggravating type of hotel guests, followed by “hallway hellraisers” and “in-room revelers.”

The survey also reveals that 18 percent of respondents have asked to switch rooms because of noisy neighbors, prompting Expedia general manager to issue a gentle reminder to thoughtless guests.

"The hotel experience is one that many people love. Fresh towels, a comfortable made bed, room service at the ready, it can be a deeply enjoyable experience. But it's vital to remember that you're not staying there by yourself, you are surrounded by hundreds of people who have paid to share that space. Conscientiousness makes all the difference,” he said in a statement.

The survey results also revealed different attitudes towards tipping hotel staff.

A third of respondents said they don't tip at all during their hotel stay.

Among those who do tip, it's the housekeeper who is most likely to go home with some pocket change, followed by the room service attendant, valet and porter.

When it comes to hotel guests behaving badly, a quarter of respondents admitted to hoarding toiletries to take home with them.

As for booking priorities, the survey found that price remains the top consideration, followed by free wifi, location, reviews and parking options.

On a final note, the survey also revealed that 31 percent of respondents admit to having booked a room for the sole purpose of playing nookie.

Here are the top pet peeves among hotel guests, according to the Expedia survey:

1. Inattentive parents

2. Hallway hellraisers

3. In-room revelers

4. Complainers

5. Bickerers

6. The ‘loudly amorous'

7. Poolside partiers

8. Hot tub canoodlers

9. Business bar boozers

10. Elevator chatterboxes

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