This Thought-Provoking Campaign Will Help You Stay Ahead of Diabetes
This Thought-Provoking Campaign Will Help You Stay Ahead of Diabetes
One can learn a lesson in the way the protagonist combats his prediabetic dilemma by living life to the fullest by paying attention to what he eats and how he stays fit.

With a disease like diabetes becoming so common, the sight of people carrying glucose-testing kits doesn't come as a shock to anyone. And as the number of cases of people suffering with diabetes increasing by the day, it is important to consider ways to fight off this chronic disease.

#MakeIndiaDiabetesFree is an honest attempt to call people to join hands and live a proactive lifestyle. The brand which brings us this campaign – Fortune Vivo, has added special diabetes management oil in their kitty of products which is a sesame indicum oil which helps lower blood sugar level and improve insulin sensitivity in type-2 diabetes, it also helps control high blood pressure.

One can learn a lesson in the way the protagonist combats his prediabetic dilemma by living life to the fullest by paying attention to what he eats and how he stays fit. By adhering to this concept he looks into the well-being of friends and family by encouraging a healthy, stable lifestyle.

So take a cue from #MakeIndiaDiabetesFree and bring a change in your life. Click to take the Diabetes Detective Quiz and help create awareness among your loved ones

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