Where Cash-strapped Travellers Can Book Now, Pay Later
Where Cash-strapped Travellers Can Book Now, Pay Later
Etihad Airways recently rolled out an automated payment plan in partnership with 17 banks in the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Egypt that allows travellers to pay for their flight in installments.

Etihad Airways is the latest carrier to launch a new payment scheme that allows consumers to "fly now, pay later."

The flagship carrier for the United Arab Emirates recently rolled out an automated payment plan in partnership with 17 banks in the UAE, Saudi Arabia and Egypt that allows travellers to pay for their flight in installments.

Participating banks include Barclays in Egypt, Emirates NBD and Dubai First.

Cash-strapped travellers can stretch out their payments between three to 60 months -- the equivalent of five years.

The payment plan is powered by PayFort. To pay by installments, travellers must book their flight directly via etihad.com.

While Etihad claims to be the first in the UAE region to offer a monthly financing plan, it's not a world first.

British Airways also has a Layaway Vacation plan for bundled flight, hotel and car rental trips where travellers can pay the balance in as many installments as they want. The balance, however, must be paid in full five weeks before travel.

Expedia's "Book Now Pay Later" program also allows travellers to pay for their vacations in installments.

And Australian low-cost carrier JetStar allows flyers to split their flight purchase over four payments in a collaboration with online payment service Afterpay.

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