Tamil musical drama "Maara", starring R Madhavan and Shraddha Srinath in central roles, is a tale of love and hope without being a cliche story of 'boy meets girl', says director Dhilip Kumar. Kumar, who is making his feature directorial debut with the film, said it's not a typical love story and approaches the emotion from different perspectives.
New Delhi: Tamil musical drama “Maara”, starring R Madhavan and Shraddha Srinath in central roles, is a tale of love and hope without being a cliche story of ‘boy meets girl’, says director Dhilip Kumar. Kumar, who is making his feature directorial debut with the film, said it’s not a typical love story and approaches the emotion from different perspectives.
“‘Maara’ is a story about love. It speaks about love at the core of it. It is the central element. It is not a girl and a boy love story. The basic cliches we usually attach to romance are not there at all,” the director told .
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