Tips That Will Help You Sleep Better
Tips That Will Help You Sleep Better
Improving sleep hygiene is inexpensive and will aid you in sleeping better

The best way to make sure that you wake up well-rested is to enforce good sleeping habits (also referred to as sleep hygiene). Strong sleep hygiene means having a stable bedroom ambience and fixed schedule that will aid in consistent and undisturbed sleep. A stable sleep schedule needs a comfortable bed, a pre-bed routine for relaxation, and no distraction. Good sleep helps your body to relax, which in turn boosts physical as well as mental health.

Improving sleep hygiene is inexpensive and will aid you in sleeping better. So, if you have been struggling to get a good night’s sleep, here are some tips for you to practice-

Prioritize sleep

No matter the amount of work pending, your sleep should be a priority. You should get a minimum of 6 hours of sleep daily.

Fixed wake-up time

Whether it’s a vacation or a weekday, try to wake up at a fixed time every day. A fluctuating sleep schedule will hamper your sleep consistency.

Short Naps

Naps are a good way to recharge yourself, however, be mindful of not overdoing naps as it may lead to a sleepless night. Try to take naps in the early afternoon and keep it short.

Unwind 30 minutes before sleep

Half an hour before you sleep, avoid the use of gadgets. Instead, choose to light some scented candles or read a book or listen to guided meditation.

Block out or dim the light

Use a black-out curtain to block out outside lights and choose to keep a dim light on instead.

While the basics of sleep hygiene may remain the same for everyone like not using gadgets, cutting down on caffeine before sleep, etc. However, there are some sleep routines that vary. You may like to fall asleep to music, while someone else may read a book and then fall asleep. Hence, it is important for you to try out what helps you fall asleep better.

For some, sleep hygiene alone will not resolve the issue due to underlying health conditions. Consult a doctor who can recommend an effective treatment.

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