Azad's 'Gangu Teli' remark on Modi is casteist, he must apologise: BJP
Azad's 'Gangu Teli' remark on Modi is casteist, he must apologise: BJP
Azad not just insulted Modi by calling him Gangu Teli but also insulted the community to which he belongs, said the BJP.

The Bharatiya Janata Party on Saturday accused Union Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad of making casteist remarks against Narendra Modi by referring to the backward community to which the Gujarat Chief Minister belongs and demanded an apology from him as well as Congress.

"Ghulam Nabi Azad not just insulted Modi by calling him Gangu Teli but also insulted the community to which he belongs. This is unfortunate," BJP spokesperson Shahnawaz Hussain said.

BJP also demanded Azad take back his words immediately and also tender an apology for allegedly insulting all backward castes and especially the members of this particular community.

"Congress leader Ghulam Nabi Azad has cast a casteist aspersion and used casteist remarks against Modi. We condemn this. Calling somebody a 'Gangu Teli' is an insult not only to OBCs but practically to the whole country. We demand that Azad and Congress should apologise for this," said another BJP spokesperson Prakash Javadekar.

Leader of the Opposition in the Rajya Sabha Arun Jaitley, while addressing party spokespersons at a workshop here, also expressed dissatisfaction at the manner in which BJP spokespersons had tackled Congress' charges against Modi after his Independence Day speech.

Jaitley said Azad had used "derogatory" words against Modi which should have been countered strongly but decently.

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