Renowned Kannada filmmaker Rishab Shetty is celebrating his 40th birthday today, and his fans and colleagues have flooded him with warm wishes and blessings. Among the well-wishers is Sapthami Gowda, the leading lady and co-actress of the film Kantara, who took to Instagram to pen a heartfelt note for Rishab. She shared a series of pictures from the sets of Kantara, showcasing their camaraderie and the film’s promotional activities. Sapthami expressed her gratitude to Rishab for allowing her to be a part of the film.
In her caption, Sapthami Gowda wrote, “Happy birthday, Rishab Shetty sir! May you soar and reach greater heights, breaking all kinds of ceilings with your pure grit, determination, and passion for cinema. Wishing you a more successful year filled with joy, love, and peace. No amount of thanks in the world can suffice to express how grateful I am to have worked alongside you and to have been directed by you.” She also expressed her gratitude for the learnings she gained while being on the sets of Kantara.
Rakshit Shetty, another prominent figure in the Kannada film industry, also extended his birthday wishes to Rishab. He shared a dashing picture of Rishab on Twitter, reflecting on his remarkable achievements and happiness. Rakshit wished him nothing but the very best for this new chapter in his life.
On the work front, Rishab Shetty is currently in his hometown and is reportedly undergoing intensive training in horse riding and KalariPayattu for the prequel of Kantara. While the film’s cast has not been revealed yet, Rishab will be collaborating with composer Ajaneesh Loknath and cinematographer Arvind Kashyap. The film is slated to go on floors in September, although an official announcement from the team is still pending.
Meanwhile, Sapthami Gowda will be seen in the upcoming film Yuva, directed by Santosh Anandram. The film marks the debut of veteran actor Raj Kumar’s grandson, Yuva Rajkumar, and is scheduled for a theatrical release on December 22, this year.
As Rishab Shetty celebrates his milestone birthday, the heartfelt wishes from Sapthami Gowda and Rakshit Shetty reflect the admiration and respect he has earned within the Kannada film industry.
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