How to Care for a Sick Pet Bird at Home
How to Care for a Sick Pet Bird at Home
If your bird has been sick, it's important to give it proper care so it can recover and feel better as soon as possible. You can do this in part by eliminating things that could make the bird sicker, such as germs and waste in the cage. Also, keep your bird as comfortable as possible so it can focus its energy on healing and fighting off its illness. It's also important to know when the bird needs veterinary care, such as if you care for your bird properly and it just doesn't seem to get better.

Keeping Your Bird Comfortable

Keep the temperature of your bird's cage around 90 °F (32 °C). Keeping your sick bird warm is essential when helping it get over an illness. You can tell that your bird is cold if it fluffs up its feathers to try and trap warm air next to its body. If your bird is doing this, put a heat lamp in their cage or put a hot water bottle or heating pad on the bottom of its cage, with a towel or a blanket to cover it. You should try to keep the temperature around 90 °F (32 °C). You can check the temperature by putting a thermometer in the cage every few hours or by hanging one on the outside of the cage. The only time you shouldn't keep your bird warm is if it has a fever. An overheated bird with a fever will raise its wings away from its body repeatedly and it may also pant. Heat lamps can be purchased from any pet store but they are normally used for lizards, so they may be in the lizard section of the store. A 40-60 watt green bulb works best.

Give your bird diffused sunlight, if possible. Your bird will benefit from diffused light that is bright but not as intense as light that comes from direct exposure to the sun. Don't move your bird's cage to another room just to achieve this. However, sunlight can be very beneficial for your bird. Open shades that you normally keep drawn or shift the bird's cage slightly if you can get it into a brighter spot easily. Make sure that this doesn't overheat your bird by keeping it in diffused, as opposed to direct, sunlight. Also, make sure there is some shade for the bird to go into if it gets too hot. Vitamin D from sunlight can lift your bird's mood and help your bird recover from its illness.Tip: To create diffused light, put a thin curtain over your window. Curtains like this should be made out of a semi-transparent material, such as silk organza or a very thin cotton.

Add humidity to your bird's environment with a vaporizer or humidifier. If your bird has a respiratory illness, keeping it in a humid environment will help it breathe easier and will keep its airways moist. Put the vaporizer or humidifier near the bird's cage and keep it on all day and night. It's ideal to set a humidifier to 55 percent humidity. This will prevent mold from growing in the bird's environment but will give it the humidity it needs. Signs that your bird has a respiratory illness include being able to hear the bird breathing, making raspy or clicking noises when it breathes, discharge from the nostrils, and keeping its beak open while it breathes. If your bird doesn't have a respiratory illness, humidity is not as important but will not harm the bird.Tip: Choose a humidifier or vaporizer that will help you keep your bird at the ideal temperature. If your home tends to be cold for the bird, try one of these machines that puts out warm air. If your home tends to be too warm, try one that shoots out cool air.

Move the perch to a low spot in the cage or remove it altogether. A bird has an increased chance of falling when it's sick. The stress of falling a large distance and the possible injury is not good for your bird. To prevent this, move the perch so it is only 1–2 inches (2.5–5.1 cm) off the ground or take it out completely. If your bird does fall off of its perch, even if the perch is in a very low position, this is a sign that the bird needs immediate veterinary care because its illness is severe and potentially life-threatening.

Put the bird's food and water bowls within easy reach. Your bird needs rest when it is sick and a long trek to its food and water bowls may exhaust it. Also, dehydration is one of the biggest problems a bird can face when sick, so it's important to give your bird constant access to water. Move the bowls or containers next to your bird's favorite spot so that it can easily eat, drink, and rest. If you have moved your bird near or onto the ground, place the food and water dishes on the ground near where the bird likes to spend its time. A symptom of dehydration is crinkly skin around the eyes.

Eliminating Possible Sources of Illness

Replace your bird's food to ensure that it doesn't cause further illness. As soon as your bird becomes sick, remove all food from its cage. This includes millet sprays, seed, fruit, and dropped food at the bottom of the cage. One of the most common causes of bird illness is bad food, whether due to spoiling or contamination, so buy new food and put it in the bird's cage. Foods that spoil quickly, such as vegetables, can spoil and cause your bird to get sick if it continues to eat them. To get high-quality food, look for seed and millet mixes that don't include artificial colors, preservatives, or salt. Make sure the mixes look well balanced and that they don't look off-color or faded.

Keep the cage meticulously clean. Clean out the bottom of the cage daily, removing seed and waste that your bird has dropped on the floor of its cage. This can be done easily by replacing the liner on the bottom of the cage and disinfecting the bottom of the cage with a bird-safe cleaner before putting a new liner in. Also, do a deep cleaning by wiping down all of the surfaces and items in the cage with a cleaner that is safe for birds every 1 or 2 days so that germs and bacteria don't grow on them. Bird safe cleaners are available at most pet stores and online retailers. Keeping the cage clean prevents the spreading of germs and prevents the bird from getting sicker.

Replace the fresh food in your bird's cage every day. While your bird is recovering from an illness, it may still want to eat fresh fruits and veggies. However, just remember to clean the fruit and vegetables that your bird doesn't eat every morning, allowing it time to pick at the food but not so long that it spoils or attracts flies to the cage. Some fruits and vegetables last longer than others. For instance, sliced fruit can spoil a lot quicker than a piece of dark, leafy greens. If you notice that something in your bird's cage looks unappetizing, feel free to take it out at any time. Try giving smaller amounts more often to keep the mess at the bottom of the cage to a minimum.

Reduce stress for the bird to keep it relaxed and content. Try not to knock its cage, put it in a new environment, or touch it too much. Do not wake it up while it's sleeping and keep the volume low if you keep it in a family room. Overall, try to create a soothing environment where your sick bird can get 12 hours sleep each day.

Getting Veterinary Care

Take your bird to the vet if they show signs of severe illness. If your bird is sick, there are times when you should not try to care for it at home and you should get it to a vet right away. Signs that your bird is seriously ill and needs immediate professional veterinary care include: No activity or movement like normal Puffed up feathers for more than a few minutes A change in the consistency of its droppings, such as more liquid than usual A lack of eating or drinking Inability to stay on its perch Falling over Seizures or convulsions Difficulty breathing

Go to the vet for a checkup if your bird has been unwell for over a week. Take note of when you notice that your bird is feeling unwell so that you can track how long this illness lasts. If your bird is unable to get rid of its illness in a week, even with you providing it ideal care, you should have it seen by a veterinarian. There is no reason to prolong its suffering when you could get it professional help. Your bird can get very sick quickly, so don't wait a long time for it to get better before taking it to a vet.

Follow your vet's instructions for care. Your vet will assess your bird's illness and then give you a diagnosis. Once the vet knows what is wrong, they can give you medicine and supplements for your bird if it needs medication, is not eating well, or is dehydrated. There are some illnesses that require veterinary intervention to get rid of, such as serious bacterial infections. Caring for these illnesses properly is especially important with infectious diseases if you have other birds that could get sick too.Tip: You should continue giving your bird supplemental care, such as keeping it warm and hydrated, even when giving it veterinary medication or supplements.

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