How to Cheat In a Game
How to Cheat In a Game
"Tricks and treachery are the practice of fools, that don't have brains enough to be honest." –Benjamin Franklin

People always say, "No Cheating!" because it's not fair to the other people playing the game. But sometimes, cheating can be necessary, whether it's because you really don't want the other person playing to win the game, because you need to prove to the other players that you are good at playing, or any other reason. Regardless of your reasoning, we've put together an in-depth guide to help you learn the basics of cheating. Read on to learn some tips on how to trick your way to the top.

Learn the pros and cons of cheating.

In order to cheat, you need to know the benefits and disadvantages. Look at the following for some advantages and disadvantages, and decide whether or not you should cheat or should not. Some Pros include: Showing the other players that you're good at the game Getting back at another person for cheating Winning the game and being able to brag about it Some Cons are: Other players not trusting you Not having the feeling of really winning the game Getting kicked out of the game for cheating

Know the game you're playing.

Become good at the game and learn how to play the game well. Find the tricks of the game and see where you can cheat. For example, you don't want to do an obvious cheat that people will point out immediately, but you do want to do a cheat where nobody will recognize it and you can get away with it easily. Find a spot in the game where you can cheat and where it seems appropriate to do.

Recognize the people you're playing with.

Will they get really mad at you and never play again if they find out? Or are they pretty easy-going and will accept a simple apology? Try to find out what they will be like and see if they will be able to take your cheating.

Cheat discreetly.

Do something small when nobody is looking. For example, in "SORRY", you could move an extra space, or in "BS" you could put down an extra card. Be careful to make sure no one notices. If someone notices that you're cheating, say something like, "Oh, sorry about that. My mistake." Cover up yourself quickly but confidently. Look at "How to Think of Quick Witted Comebacks" for more information. Poker face. It's all about body language. Don't be obvious, but avoid being too discreet.

Go easy on other players.

You're cheating, so if they cheat, don't say anything to make it fair. Don't point out any mistakes that they made, and just have fun with the game.

Cheat sparingly.

Don't cheat too often or people will not want to play with you. Once in a while, cheating can be okay, because everyone does it at some point, but you don't want to have the reputation of a cheating cheater.

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