How to Fix a Popped Rubik's Cube
How to Fix a Popped Rubik's Cube
When a Rubik's Cube pops, it may seem like it is broken. Luckily, with a bit of perseverance, you can get it back up and running in no time! One bonus is the fact that it ends up solved once you're done!

Check the cube. If it has any sharp, jagged pieces, it may be broken. If the pieces are all smooth, and don't look broken, count the pieces. You should have the following: 1 core with 6 centers,12 'edge' pieces with 2 colours on each piece, 8 'corner' pieces with 3 colours on each piece.

Complete white edges. Find all 4 edges with white on it. The edges have 2 colours. Then, line up each piece by fitting it into the core, ensuring that both colours on the edge match with the centers on the core. You should end up with a white cross with a bar on each side. The easiest way to insert a piece is to turn the centre 45 degrees, and slotting the edge piece into the correct position.

Finish the first layer. Place the cross face down on the table, making sure that no pieces can fall out. Find the white corners, which have 3 colours on them, and lower them into their correct slots. Like the previous step, the colours should all line up.

Insert the 2nd layer. Next, find all the edge pieces without yellow on. Simply insert the pieces like you did with the corners, making sure they line up. You should only have one layer to fix, and 8 remaining pieces, all with yellow on.

Add the last layer corners. Add all the corners by rotating the centre by 45 degrees, and making sure the corners line up with the edges below them. Make sure yellow is facing up, and all the colours match with the pieces they are touching.

Add the last layer edges. The last step is the hardest step. Inserting the last 4 edges is difficult, and if done wrong, could break the cube. Find one of the remaining edge pieces, and look at what colour is on the cube, apart from yellow. Line it up with the other pieces with that colour, and move aside the corners, so you have more room to insert the edge. Gently push and wiggle the piece into the correct position, but if it doesn't go in, don't push too hard and try again. Often, putting the edge in at 45 degrees when there's more of a gap helps.

Add the last edge. Repeat with 2 of the other pieces, pushing aside the corners and slotting the piece into place at a 45 degree angle. When you have the last piece, rotate the whole of the last layer, and insert the last piece. It may take some effort, but don't press too hard, or it may break.

Congratulations! You have now put your cube back together!

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