How to Strengthen Skeletal Muscles
How to Strengthen Skeletal Muscles
Believe it or not, skeletal muscle isn’t actually part of your skeleton. Instead, skeletal muscles are attached to your bones via tendons.[1]
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If you’re trying to strengthen these muscles, you’ve come to the right place. We’ve outlined some skeletal muscle groups you can target in your workouts, as well as other tips and tricks.

Get 60 minutes of exercise each day.

Regular exercise is a great way to build muscle. Try activities that target a lot of different muscles, like swimming, biking, or dancing. Even simple activities like stair climbing, jogging, and walking are great forms of exercise. Aim to exercise for 60 minutes each day—it’s okay if you break your workout into smaller chunks.

Eat lots of protein.

Eat between 1.4 to 2 g of protein for every 1 kg (2.2 lb) you weigh. Protein-rich foods can help you build and maintain muscle. Lean meats, like beef and pork, and poultry, like chicken and turkey, are great sources of protein. Dairy products, fish, seafood, beans, and nuts are also excellent protein sources.

Work your biceps.

Your biceps are an important skeletal muscle. Dumbbell curls and hammer curls are great options to strengthen your biceps if you have weights at home. Resistance bands are another great way to strengthen your biceps. If you don’t have weights of your own, you can make your own set at home.

Target your pectorals.

Your pectorals, or front chest muscles, are a valuable skeletal muscle. Bench press exercises are an excellent way to strengthen your pecs. If you don’t have weights, push-ups are another great way to build this skeletal muscle.

Focus on your quads.

Your quads, or upper leg muscles, are skeletal muscles. Simple squats, lounges, and jumps are great ways to strengthen your quads. Try starting out with some back squats, split squats and goblet squats. If you have weights at home, try squatting with a barbell or kettle bell.

Try oblique exercises.

Your external obliques are skeletal muscles found near your abs.Work your obliques with side planks, or give yourself an extra challenge with side plank dips. Side bends, side kicks, and wood choppers are also great ways to work these muscles.

Exercise your hamstrings.

Your hamstrings are a skeletal muscle along the back of your legs. Hamstring curls are a great way to work these muscles, as are kettlebell and dumbbell deadlifts. Walking lunges are another great way to strengthen your hamstrings.

Focus on your glutes.

Your glutes are skeletal muscles that cover your bottom. Strengthen your glutes with simple exercises like glute bridges or side squats. Bulgarian split squats are another great way to work your glutes.

Strengthen your lats.

Your lats, or upper back muscles, are skeletal muscles. Pull-ups are a classic, easy exercise that really work your lats. Medicine ball slams and reverse-grip barbell bent-over rows are other excellent workouts.

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