How to Tell If Your Ex Is Manifesting You: 15 Powerful Signs
How to Tell If Your Ex Is Manifesting You: 15 Powerful Signs
You thought you said goodbye to your ex for good, but now you just can’t stop thinking about them. What’s going on here? Could they be manifesting you back into their life? In this article, we’ll answer whether your ex is manifesting you by providing a comprehensive list of possible signs your ex wants you back. Plus, we'll help you decide what to do about them so you can evaluate your past relationship with confidence. These signs are spiritual in nature, so be sure to always defer to your best judgment. Read on for answers!
Things You Should Know
  • Your ex may be manifesting you if you can’t stop thinking about them or dreaming of them.
  • If your ex keeps popping up in random places or keeps coming up in conversation, they could be manifesting you.
  • Suddenly wanting to contact your ex is considered a surefire sign that they’re trying to manifest you back into their life.

You can’t stop thinking about them.

You won’t be able to get your ex off your mind if they’re manifesting you. You haven’t thought about them for ages, then poof—they’re all you can think about. What’s up with that? Constantly thinking of your ex may signify that they’re manifesting themselves into your thoughts and are trying to get your attention. Ask yourself how thinking about your ex makes you feel. If memories of your ex bring you joy and longing, reconsider why you broke up to see if getting back together might be a good idea. If thinking about your ex makes you angry and upset, distract yourself by reading a book, seeing a movie, or spending time with friends. Remember, you deserve a relationship that enhances your life—consider your ex a stepping stone to better things.

They keep popping up in your dreams.

Frequently dreaming of your ex suggests they’re trying to get you back. Ok, you usually dream of something wacky like pirates or flying through the air, but now your ex is making an appearance? Some believe people can communicate through the astral realm as we sleep, so if you keep dreaming of your ex, they might be trying to get in contact with you. If dreaming about your ex was more “meh” than heart wrenching, you might be over your past relationship with them. Go you! If dreaming of your ex made you miss them, remind yourself why you broke up and ask yourself if they’re really worth contacting.

You run into them unexpectedly.

They may be manifesting you if you bump into them in random places. You’ve never seen your ex even step foot in a bookstore when you were together, but suddenly they’re next to you in line at your favorite one? Interesting… Your ex could be trying to manifest running into you and is showing up in places they think you might be—crafty! If your ex knows you used to love going to a certain coffee shop, exercise class, store, you name it, they might show up there from time to time in hopes of running into you and reconnecting.

You’re seeing angel numbers.

Seeing angel numbers may indicate your ex’s desire to be with you. For example, if your ex was born on 10/12 and you keep seeing 10:12 on the clock or your total rang up to $10.12 at the grocery store, your ex could be trying to get your attention through the power of the universe. Try looking up whatever number you keep seeing to determine what relationship advice your angels may want you to hear. Angel numbers like 777 or 222 can suggest that love is near. Consider whether you still love your ex and want to be with them. If yes, these angel numbers might support your reunion. If you don’t want to get back with your ex, seeing numbers like 777 or 222 can also suggest that a new romantic relationship might be on the horizon—how exciting!

You feel their presence when they’re not around.

Out of nowhere, you feel like your ex is near. Maybe you were watching a movie, making the bed, or even doing the dishes and suddenly felt like your ex was right beside you. If you’ve been getting the strange sensation that your ex is watching over you even when they’re nowhere near, they could be trying to manifest you back into their lives by subconsciously reminding you of their presence. Hearing a song on the radio or coming across something they left at your house may make you feel as though they’re with you as you reminisce over all the associated memories.

You start thinking of them as your soulmate.

Your ex may be manifesting you if your opinion of them improves. You used to think they were the worst, but suddenly, your perception of them has changed—could they have been “the one?” If your feelings about your ex have shifted for the better, they could be trying to manifest you to love them again! Sometimes, couples have to go through periods apart to learn they were right for each other. If you and your ex have grown as people since your breakup and would be better able to handle a relationship together after all the lessons you’ve learned, rekindling your flame could be a positive thing.

Your judgment feels clouded.

You’re having a hard time pinning down how you feel about them. It’s normal for your emotions to be all over the place after a breakup, but if your ex is manifesting you, they might be even more wishy-washy than usual. For example, if you thought you’d come to terms with the relationship being over but suddenly find yourself missing your ex, you might be fighting off their desire to manifest you back into their life. Like a storm, powerful reminders of the past can swirl around you and make you feel overwhelmed, but do your best to be patient with yourself and allow your feelings to settle before making any snap judgments, like contacting your ex.

You feel the urge to call or text them.

They might be manifesting you if you suddenly want to reach them. Out of the blue, you feel compelled to talk to your ex again, and it doesn’t even matter what about! Wanting to speak with your ex, whether it’s over the phone or on social media, is thought to be a surefire sign that your ex wants you to reach out and is manifesting you contacting them. Consider what inviting them back into your life through conversation could mean. Are you really ready to speak with them, or are you just feeling lonely? Remember, it doesn’t have to be a romantic thing—you can just be friends. Breaking up doesn’t mean you can't hold on to some form of a relationship with them.

Their name keeps coming up in conversation.

Family, friends, or even strangers keep bringing up your ex. Hearing your ex or even just their name get brought up in conversation is thought to be a tell-tale sign that they’re using the law of attraction to manifest you. The more you hear their name, the more likely you are to think of them and potentially reach out! For example, you might hear their name called out at a coffee shop, rent a library book with their name in it, or hear two strangers discussing someone with the same name as your ex. If hearing your ex get brought up by friends and family makes you uncomfortable, politely ask them to change the subject. They’re sure to understand where you’re coming from.

Your intuition is leading you toward them.

You may have a gut feeling your ex is trying to get you back. Your intuition is a powerful tool that can often reveal profound truths you aren’t consciously aware of, so listen to it. If you have an intense feeling that your ex is pulling you towards them, they could be manifesting the resurgence of your relationship together. Your intuition is usually correct, so if you feel like reaching out to your ex, why not go for it? If your ex didn’t treat you with respect or made you feel unworthy, be logical and go with your head, not your heart—you deserve the best!

You suddenly feel a sense of déjà vu.

A wave of nostalgia may signify your ex is manifesting you. Perhaps you suddenly feel as though you're in love with them again or remember exactly what a particular moment you spent with them felt like. If so, your ex may have harnessed the power of the universe to pull you back to them through feelings of déjà vu. French for “already seen” déjà vu can make you uneasy or nervous. Try taking deep breaths in and out to help get rid of this sensation.

You feel compelled to go to specific places.

You might feel drawn to go somewhere you wouldn’t normally visit. If your ex is manifesting you, their energy might be strong enough to pull you to places they’re likely to be. For example, if you felt the random urge to go out to a specific restaurant you wouldn’t normally go to and end up running into your ex, they may have been trying to manifest you running into each other! Someone channeling positive energy is thought to be able to attract the things they want to themselves quickly. If you suspect your ex is manifesting you, they may finally be on a positive spiritual journey to become the best version of themselves.

Coincidences keep occurring that remind you of your ex.

Synchronicity is thought to be a clear sign someone is manifesting you. Perhaps you saw someone reading your ex’s favorite book at a coffee shop, you heard your favorite song as a couple on the radio, or someone followed you on social media with the same name as your ex. Whatever the case may be, these coincidental synchronicities could be occurring because your ex is manifesting their way back into your life in hopes of getting your attention. If you’ve always experienced a lot of synchronicity with your ex, even when you were together, you may have found your twin flame!

Reminders of your ex are making you feel uncomfortable.

Signs of your ex manifesting you may make you uneasy. If you don’t want anything to do with your ex, any sign that they might be manifesting you, like thinking of them or bumping into them, will be especially unnerving. Remember, you’re in control and never have to speak to them again if you don’t want to—you’ve got this! If your ex is still in contact with you, you have the right to block them. Not seeing their texts or social media posts may help bring you peace of mind.

They make an effort to stay in touch.

Even though you’ve split, they text, call, or contact you on social media. The most obvious of all the signs, your ex may be manifesting you back into their life if they still contact you even though you’re no longer together. Whether they want you as a friend or as something more, it’s important to make sure they’re worth your time before engaging with them again. Set boundaries with your ex if you decide to speak with them, like not telling them personal information or not letting them get flirty.

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