Show God You Love Him with Our Powerful Guide
Show God You Love Him with Our Powerful Guide
Showing love to God is a good thing because without God, we wouldn't have anything. Being aware of God's love for you can make you a stronger, better and more confident person. So try to follow these steps to show God that you love him.
Things You Should Know
  • Pray to God by telling him you love him and all of his creations.
  • Do good things by offering to help those in need, such as doing the laundry for your parents, helping a friend with homework, or returning a stranger’s cart at the store.
  • To love God is to love yourself. The more you treat yourself with kindness and respect, the better you’ll be able to love God and thy neighbor.

Pray to God. Tell God that you love him and love his creation. Tell him you appreciate everything you have. The Bible says that we are to "pray without ceasing."

Do good things. This will show how much you actually love God. Doing Random-Acts-of-Kindness, Do good things. Jesus said, "If you love me you will keep my commandments."

Honor God's name. Do this by helping people to believe in God and by sending messages of hope to others to encourage them. The Bible says that we are to not take God's name in vain.

Love yourself so that you can love your neighbour. God will make you a more confident person so that you will be able to love yourself more.

Love your enemies. Turn the other cheek. God will make you a stronger person and give you the ability to do this, even though it can be hard.

Practice forgiveness and compassion with others. Jesus had compassion on every person he saw. Jesus also said that we are to forgive anyone who sins against us 70 times 7, as in countless times.

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