Key UPA ally DMK to participate in September 20 bandh
Key UPA ally DMK to participate in September 20 bandh
Follow us:WhatsappFacebookTwitterTelegram.cls-1{fill:#4d4d4d;}.cls-2{fill:#fff;}Google NewsThe DMK, a major constituent of the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) central government, Tuesday announced that it would participate in the opposition sponsored September 20 bandh against the recent economic decisions.In a statement issued here, DMK president M.Karunanidhi asked party's labour and other wings to ensure the success of the shutdown.He said the central government has increased the burden on the poor with its decision to hike the diesel prices, restrictions on supply of subsidised cooking gas and foreign direct investment (FDI) in the retail sector.He said the central government has taken the decisions at a time when the people of Tamil Nadu are already burdened with increase in milk prices, bus fares and power tariff.Answering a set of questions for party organ Murasoli, the DMK chief has also asked the central government to stop the visit of Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa to Madhya Pradesh.He said no Tamil can accept Rajapaksa visiting India "after killing several lakhs of Tamils" in Sri Lanka.Citing reports that India and Spain are the two countries appointed by the United Nations to study the violation of human rights in Sri Lanka this October-November, Karunanidhi said the world is keenly watching the stand that India is going to take then.first published:January 01, 1970, 05:30 ISTlast updated:January 01, 1970, 05:30 IST 
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The DMK, a major constituent of the United Progressive Alliance (UPA) central government, Tuesday announced that it would participate in the opposition sponsored September 20 bandh against the recent economic decisions.In a statement issued here, DMK president M.Karunanidhi asked party's labour and other wings to ensure the success of the shutdown.He said the central government has increased the burden on the poor with its decision to hike the diesel prices, restrictions on supply of subsidised cooking gas and foreign direct investment (FDI) in the retail sector.He said the central government has taken the decisions at a time when the people of Tamil Nadu are already burdened with increase in milk prices, bus fares and power tariff.Answering a set of questions for party organ Murasoli, the DMK chief has also asked the central government to stop the visit of Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa to Madhya Pradesh.He said no Tamil can accept Rajapaksa visiting India "after killing several lakhs of Tamils" in Sri Lanka.Citing reports that India and Spain are the two countries appointed by the United Nations to study the violation of human rights in Sri Lanka this October-November, Karunanidhi said the world is keenly watching the stand that India is going to take then.

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